How to Check If Emacs in Frame or in Terminal

how to check if emacs in frame or in terminal?

(defun my-frame-config (frame)
"Custom behaviours for new frames."
(with-selected-frame frame
(when (display-graphic-p)
(set-background-color "#101416")
(set-foreground-color "#f6f3e8"))))
;; run now
(my-frame-config (selected-frame))
;; and later
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'my-frame-config)

How to detect that emacs is in terminal-mode?

The window-system variable tells Lisp programs what window system Emacs is running under. The possible values are

Emacs is displaying the frame using X.


Emacs is displaying the frame using native MS-Windows GUI.


Emacs is displaying the frame using the Nextstep interface (used on GNUstep and Mac OS X).


Emacs is displaying the frame using MS-DOS direct screen writes.


Emacs is displaying the frame on a character-based terminal.

From the doc.

Edit: it seems that window-system is deprecated in favor of display-graphic-p (source: C-h f window-system RET on emacs 23.3.1).

(display-graphic-p &optional DISPLAY)

Return non-nil if DISPLAY is a graphic display.
Graphical displays are those which are capable of displaying several
frames and several different fonts at once. This is true for displays
that use a window system such as X, and false for text-only terminals.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

So what you want to do is :

(if (display-graphic-p)
;; if graphic
;; else (optional)

And if you don't have an else clause, you can just:

;; more readable :)
(when (display-graphic-p)

Emacs: check for no-window-system in .emacs

The variable window-system is nil if the selected frame is on a text-only terminal.

Why Emacs (as daemon) gives 1 more frame than is opened?

It's a "physically invisible" frame (even though frame-visible-p says otherwise) associated with initial terminal where the daemon was started. I suspect that a sole reason for its existence is that emacs is not ready to run with no frames at all, and it's hard enough to fix it.

For filtering it out I would use this test:

(string-equal "initial_terminal" (terminal-name <frame>)) 
;;; => t for the "pseudo-"frame created by emacs -daemon

There might be better tests, but as far as I know this one is reliable enough: terminal-name returns something like "/dev/tty" for tty frames and the X11 display name like ":0" for X11 frames (I can't recall what it returns on other platforms, like in a Windows console window, but I believe it can't be "initial_terminal" by accident).

How can I detect that emacs-server is running from a shell prompt?

You're making this too hard. From the the emacsclient(1) man page:

-a, --alternate-editor=EDITOR

if the Emacs server is not running, run the specified editor instead. This can also be specified via the `ALTERNATE_EDITOR' environment variable.

If the value of EDITOR is the empty string, then Emacs is started in daemon mode and emacsclient will try to connect to it.

Settings only for GUI/Terminal emacs

The emacs lisp function,
Will return true if emacs is running in a GUI.

In your .emacs, add the following to switch between your GUI and terminal themes

(if (display-graphic-p)

For easier configuration, I have a simple function called is-in-terminal

(defun is-in-terminal()
(not (display-graphic-p)))

you could use this to write an easier to read function

(if (is-in-terminal)

For a more complete approach to Terminal Only configuration I have a macro that works just like progn but only evaluates the body when Emacs is running without a GUI

(defmacro when-term (&rest body)
"Works just like `progn' but will only evaluate expressions in VAR when Emacs is running in a terminal else just nil."
`(when (is-in-terminal) ,@body))

Example Usage:


This entire block will be totally ignored if running in a GUI, but will run if in Terminal.

All this code was taken from a file in my config, if interested you can check it out here:

Function that checks if current frame is not an X window

You may look at the window-system function. It accepts a frame optional argument (defaults to current frame). Alternatively, display-graphic-p is more recent (as per the documentation) and allows checking a whole display containing several frames. In your example, you could just write:

(if (display-graphic-p) ...)

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