How to Enable Spell Checker in Google Colab (Colab Operates on Linux Os)

How can I enable spell checker in google colab (colab operates on linux OS)?

I'm not aware of any way of doing so directly within Google Colaboratory, however a usable workaround might be to install a third party spell-checking browser plug-in such as Grammarly or another similar plug-in that works with your preferred browser, I know this probably wasn't the answer you where looking for, but I'm not aware of any better solutions, I truly apologize! But I hope this was at least somewhat helpful!Sorry I can't be of more help!

Is there a general way to run Web Applications on Google Colab?

You can plan to start a server on a port, e.g. port=8000. Find the URL to use this way.

from google.colab.output import eval_js

Then, start the server, e.g.

!python -m http.server 8000

And click the first link above (instead of localhost or, it will open in a new tab.

Display in cell

You can display the result in an iframe in the output part. I made it into an easy function to call.

from IPython.display import Javascript

def show_port(port, height=400):
(async ()=>{
fm = document.createElement('iframe')
fm.src = await google.colab.kernel.proxyPort(%s)
fm.width = '95%%'
fm.height = '%d'
fm.frameBorder = 0
""" % (port, height) ))

Now you can start a webapp (here it is http.server) in a background. And display the result as an iframe below it.

get_ipython().system_raw('python3 -m http.server 8888 &') 

To stop the server, you can call ps and kill the process.

x11 forwarding through Google Colab


  1. Open 6000/tcp port on your router and firewall
  2. Install VcXsrv
  3. Run "XLaunch" with "Disable access control"
  4. Run "!apt-get install x11-apps && export DISPLAY=YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:0.0 && eyes" on Colab

Sample Image


  1. Google Colab does not keep environment variables across code cells. So you should set DISPLAY variable each them.

Google Colab does not keep environment variables across code cells

  1. Xming may disallow remote connection as a default setting. At least, VcXsrv do that. Try to disable access control. This is an insecure option.

Sample Image

  1. Router and firewall must open 6000+n/tcp port. The n is display number counting from 0. (e.g. HOSTNAME:0.0 → n=0)
    Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router
    Sample Image

Google Cloud Language in Google Colab fails since yesterday

The older version works

!pip install --upgrade google-cloud-language==2.4.3

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