Karma Not Found from Maven After Re-Install

Eclipse maven unable to locate karma executable

It appears in Mac OS X 10.8 (and possible earlier), GUI apps do not get the same path as the terminal. To add /usr/local/bin to the global path, you need to edit (and possibly create) /etc/launchd.conf to include setenv PATH /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin You must edit/create this file with admin privs so use sudo with vi or nano sudo nano /etc/launchd.conf You will need to reboot your Mac before this change can take effect. This information was found on ServerFault https://serverfault.com/questions/16355/how-to-set-global-path-on-os-x/277034#277034

Karma - Maven plugin fails

I figured out the problem. What was causing the build issue was the fact that the karma node_modules was interfering with the build. To get around this I had to remove the node_modules from the webapp folder and move it into the root directory of the project, as well as the karma.conf.js file.

That was the first part - the second part was to install karma globally using this command:

npm install -g karma && npm install -g karma-cli

By doing this you should beable to run karma from anywhere but that wasn't the case for me and I still don't know why (elaborate anyone?). The final part was in the actually maven pom.xml:


The key point above is that I haven't included the <karmaExecutable> command here because if you include that then it will break - by keeping it out it will turn to the global karma install to run the tests in the Maven build. This worked for me - hope it works for you.

Unable to compile and install web karma using maven

Previously I was trying in Program Files folder in C drive so I could not install. I changed the folder I am able to install it now.

Cannot find plugin karma-jasmine

it seems to me that the solution was in

npm install -g karma-cli

Karma not found in NetBeans after upgrading to Yosemite

It seems to be related to Yosemite turning off /etc/launchd.conf, so NetBeans doesn't get the correct PATH variable - so not directly related to Karma.

I fixed it by setting PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin in netbeans.conf (within the NetBeans app package). Then the karma part of the build script runs successfully within NetBeans.

problems in installing Karma integration tool for windows 8 64 bit machine

Create a file settings.xml in .m2 folder of your HOME directory. Add the following:

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"


Remove <username> and <password> tags if your proxy server does not need authentication.
You can look for the values for these in your browser settings.

Also refer to proxies section of maven settings reference.

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