How Does Apparmor Do "Environment Scrubbing"

How does AppArmor do Environment Scrubbing?

"Environment scrubbing" is the removal of various "dangerous" environment variables which may be used to affect the behaviour of a binary - for example, LD_PRELOAD can be used to make the dynamic linker pull in code which can make essentially arbitrary changes to the running of a program; some variables can be set to cause trace output to files with well-known names; etc.

This scrubbing is normally performed for setuid/setgid binaries as a security measure, but the kernel provides a hook to allow security modules to enable it for arbitrary other binaries as well.

The kernel's ELF loader code uses this hook to set the AT_SECURE entry in the "auxiliary vector" of information which is passed to the binary. (See here and here for the implementation of this hook in the AppArmor code.)

As execution starts in userspace, the dynamic linker picks up this value and uses it to set the __libc_enable_secure flag; you'll see that the same routine also contains the code which sets this flag for setuid/setgid binaries. (There is equivalent code elsewhere for binaries which are statically linked.)

__libc_enable_secure affects a number of places in the main body of the dynamic linker code, and causes a list of specific environment variables to be removed.

Apparmor: is it possible to call another executable from within an executable?

profile myprof {
/my/executable ix,

When you do write a rule like this, what you do is to allow myprof to execute /my/executable with exactly the same permissions that myprof has.
So if you want to allow /my/executable to do something you just need to add that permission to myprof and it will be inherited by /my/executable.
But if you want to give that particular permission exclusively to /my/executable and to also to myprof you will need to use something else:

  • ux - unconfined execute

  • Ux - unconfined execute -- scrub the environment

  • px - discrete profile execute

  • Px - discrete profile execute -- scrub the environment

  • cx - transition to subprofile on execute

  • Cx - transition to subprofile on execute -- scrub the

  • pix - discrete profile execute with inherit fallback

  • Pix - discrete profile execute with inherit fallback -- scrub the

  • cix - transition to subprofile on execute with inherit fallback

  • Cix - transition to subprofile on execute with inherit fallback
    -- scrub the environment

  • pux - discrete profile execute with fallback to unconfined

  • PUx - discrete profile execute with fallback to unconfined --
    scrub the environment

  • cux - transition to subprofile on execute with fallback to

  • CUx - transition to subprofile on execute with fallback to
    unconfined -- scrub the environment

The difference between a discrete profile and a subprofile is that a discrete profile is a normal profile, a subprofile is define inside the current profile.

AppArmor deny execution with no new privs when NoNewPrivileges=no

Found it!

ProtectHostname=yes appears to imply NoNewPrivileges=yes

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