Expect Script Error Send: Spawn Id Exp4 Not Open While Executing

getting error expect: spawn id exp4 not open while trying to grep

You can use a single command to do all the work required in one expect session:

expect <<-EOF > /home/file
set timeout 3
spawn ssh -oPort=port ip "zgrep error /dir/dir/file.gz.[54321] ; zgrep error /dir/dir/file1.gz.[54321] ; grep error /dir/dir/file ; grep error /dir/dir/file1"
expect "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" }
expect "*password: " { send "password\r" }
expect "*#" { send "exit\r" }

You will need to modify your quotation " marks and escape characters \ so that the remote shell does not to interpret them. There is no need to wrap the string error in quotation marks.

issues with expect -send: spawn id exp4 not open

Figured out why.
I had generated ssh keys and copied it on to the destination machine. So there was no "Password: " prompt. Hence before send could complete, the ssh connection had closed.

I deleted the ssh keys from the destination machine and ran the script again and observed no issues

Expect script error send: spawn id exp4 not open while executing send password

I have already fix it, it was an error in dos2unix command. I had to code it again over Ubuntu for avoiding to run dos2unix command.

Expect script failed with spawn id not open when calling expect eof

  1. Remove exp_continue after send "exit\r", otherwise EOF will be consumed by the expect { ... } block and another expect eof would fail.
  2. Change lindex \$result 3 to lindex $result 3 as in the comments.

send spawn id exp4 not open error in expect

Your script has no major issues with it, not that would cause spawn to fail like that. (The comments you have would cause problems, but are trivially fixable by using ;# instead of #.) Therefore your problem lies elsewhere (well, with very high probability).

I see that you are trying to control telnet with Expect on Windows. Alas, telnet is a special case that can't be controlled this way — Expect on Windows uses the system debugging facilities to intercept terminal output, but this doesn't work for executables that have special system permissions set, and telnet is one of the programs for which this is true — so you need another approach. The simplest is to get plink.exe (which is really PuTTY for terminals/automation) and to use that (in “telnet” mode) instead of telnet.

expect complains that send: spawn id exp6 not open

Notice the "Connection closed by foreign host."

spawn telnet -l root

expect {
"Connection closed by foreign host." {
puts "Telnet session closed unexpectedly."
puts "Please try again."

With this form of the expect command, expect is looking for two patterns, and the first one found "wins".

  • if "connection closed" happens, the messages are printed and the program ends
  • if "#" (your prompt) shows up, there's no specific action, so the expect command returns and the rest of your program can carry on

This technique is essential for efficient expect programming where you frequently have to look for multiple patterns.

Looking forward, you might expect to see "Connection closed" at any time: investigate the expect_before command.

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