Starting with Kde Frameworks 5 and Qt Creator

Starting with KDE Frameworks 5 and Qt Creator

Qt creator has its own configuration for qt versions used in builds.

the config is in tools > options > build and run > Kits

Make sure the kit you have selected (e.g. Desktop) has the correct Qt version set.

If the qt version you want isn't in the dropdown, you can add it in the Qt Versions tab.

Also check you have the right kit selected to build your project (see the build configuration button - above the run/green play button)

The mkspec should be automatically set to use the system qt version and modules, but you can make sure by setting Qt mkspec (in tools > options > build and run > Kits) to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/linux-g++-64/

After all this, you can verify the correct command is being run by looking at the compile compile output pane when running build > Run qmake.

Using KDE frameworks and Qt Creator installed without apt

Ok so after a looking a lot, a solution has been suggested here
Essentially Qt, if not installed through the system's repositories, is unable to find the KF5 modules. In order to fix this you can add a QMAKEPATH environment build variable to your project that tells Qt where it should look for the module, in my case this was in


Configuring Qt creator for KDE applications

The recommended way to build a KDE project is use CMake, not QMake. I really recommend you this approach because some KDE applications, like plasmoids, can not be build correctly using QMake.

In addition you can use KDevelop, but if you prefer Qt Creator, you can use it with a CMake project without problems.

How to make use of KPixmapSequence on KDE Frameworks 5

It seems that one needs KIconLoader to make it work:

auto seq = new KPixmapSequence;
QLatin1String("process-working"), KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium));

How to make applications in QtCreator use KDE oxygen theme?

Qt 4 is still available in the official extra repository, so just get it. Actually, you could even use the 32 bit version on 64 bit kernel.

sudo pacman -S qt4


sudo pacman -S lib32-qt4

then, you need to configure QtCreator to use that /usr/bin/qmake-qt4.

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