Session Permission Denied on Aws After Setting Up Cake PHP.

Session Permission Denied on AWS after setting up Cake php.

Although the others answers make perfect sense and would work, my need was much simpler. I wanted to modify php configuration files and I found that these replies on aws's forum - especially the one by alvarolb answered my question perfectly.

He found that the configuration /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf contained a line that was overriding the php_value session.save_path to "/var/lib/php/session". A simple comment to that line and sessions work perfectly.

Permission denied when running Console/cake from Vagrant VM

I had the same problem, after doing this(so making it executable) it worked

chmod +x app/Console/cake

edit: you will need root access to do so

why i see this session errors with cakephp

You have to do following steps

  1. Set permissions of write to /tmp folder that is default
  2. Change php.ini to point to dir you have access instead of /tmp
  3. Set Configure::write('', 'cake') and have them in cake
    app/tmp where you can manage permissions definitely.

For that you have to changed the Session settings in the config/core.php file. There are several options. The default is to use php.ini settings for to save sessions.
For more details CakePHP Core Configuration Variables

open(/var/lib/php/session/...sesionid, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)

You install PHP from zero in this machine? You already tried to put a complete permission in this folder?
Ex: sudo chmod 777 -R /var/lib/php/session

AWS Elastic Beanstalk and PHP sessions

Moving your application to Elastic Beanstalk means that from now on your application will possibly run on multiple physical web server instances. (That's what you're paying for.) This means that a request with a valid session ID could be forwarded to a server which does not possess that session file on disk (you seem to be using the file-based session handler as shown in the question).

Solution A (preferred)

You need to store sessions in a shared location where they can be accessed by all of your web server instances. Amazon typically recommends DynamoDB for this, but it could also be MySQL or Redis or even the Elastic Cache provided by AWS.

Solution B (slower, unreliable, needs SSL termination at load balancer)

Configure your load balancer in a way that it uses "sticky" sessions. This means that the L.B. will unwrap HTTP(S) packets, look for the session cookie and then forward the request to the correct web server where the session lives.

SocketException Permission denied - CakePHP 2.3

Apparently your PHP is not allowed to connect to the specified SMTP server. Did you properly configure your email-settings? (SMTP server, port, username, password etc).

A template for these settings is included with CakePHP in the file: app/Config/email.php.default (

You need to copy this file to app/Config/email.php and modify the settings for your environment.

After that, you'll have to specify the right configuration when sending emails

A more thorough explanation can be found in the manual:


Another option is that SELinux security-bits dissallow PHP/Apache to make network connections.

There are several security-bits, but this seems a likely candidate: httpd_can_network_connect .

You can temporarily allow PHP/Apache to make network connections using this:
setsebool httpd_can_network_connect

And make the setting 'permanent' using the -P parameter;
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect

For an overview of all SELibux booleans;

Cakephp Session errors after deploying the cms part of my web blog

When you load your app it tries to create a session file in that location. Obviously it is struggling with that probably due to some permission issues on your server. (Probably your local machine had admin rights so this wasnt an issue)

I find it easier to manage the sessions within the cake app itself.

If you edit core.php. Change the Session configuration entry to look something like the below:

Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' => 'cake',
'cookie' => 'myapp',
'timeout' => 4320 //3 days

It will store the session files in here: app/tmp/sessions which your app should have access to. Also it will rename your cookie to myapp and set the timeout

You can find more info here:

How can I fix the Permission error when I call session_start()?

Change session path where you can write data or contact server administrator about /tmp problem

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