Ansible Permissions Issue

Ansible Permissions Issue

Read the manual.

A solution here is to use the 'executable' parameter for either the 'command' or 'shell' modules.

So I tried using the command module like so:

- name: install ruby 1.9.3
command: rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p448 executable=/bin/bash creates=/usr/local/rvm/bin/ruby-1.9.3-p448
ignore_error: true

But the playbook hung indefinitely. The manual states:

If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using <, >, |, etc), you actually want the shell module instead. The command module is much more secure as it's not affected by the user's

So I tried using the shell module:

- name: install ruby 1.9.3
shell: rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p448 executable=/bin/bash creates=/usr/local/rvm/bin/ruby-1.9.3-p448
ignore_error: true

And it works!

ansible - playbook execution fails for user creation with permission issue

If you're not connecting to the remote host as root, then you need to tell Ansible to become root when running your tasks using the become: key, which can be placed on a play to run all tasks in that play with elevated privileges:

hosts: all
become: true
- name: Ansible create user example.
name: vasanth
password: vasanth

Or it can be placed on individual tasks to run only those tasks with
elevated privileges:

hosts: all
- name: Ansible create user example.
become: true
name: vasanth
password: vasanth

The become key isn't used exclusively for privilege escalation; it
can be used to ask Ansible to run as any user in combination with the
become_user key. You can read more in the docs.

Playbook failing execution due to permission denied

You have to be sure that the root user has executable permissions on the new OSM download. When you use a become: yes without become_user, the default user is root
So you need to be sure that root user can execute your script.

Try the get_url like that:

- hosts: osm
user: ubuntu
become: yes
- name: Download the OSM installer
dest: /tmp/
mode: "0555"
- name: Execute the OSM installer
shell: /tmp/

Play with the mode param of the get_url module.

Ansible playbook - permission denied

I managed to pinpoint the problem. The file should never have been created in the home folder "/home/myuser" where root has no access.

I tried setting the environment variable TMPDIR and the variable "remote_tmp" in ansible.cfg as below.

ansible.cfg :

remote_tmp = /tmp/ansible-$USER

The problem was, I had missed to include the "[defaults]" "section header" before specifying the "remote_tmp" parameter. The below ansible.cfg file worked as expected.

ansible.cfg :

remote_tmp = /tmp/ansible-$USER

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