Passing Variable with Special Characters as Password Breaks Bash Script. How to Sanitize Special Characters in Bash

How to pass variables with special characters into a bash script when called from terminal

Sanitization is absolutely not needed.

The simplest solution, assuming your script is properly executable (has +x permissions and a valid shebang line), is:

./ "$filesize" "$filename"

If for some reason you must use the bash -c, use single quotes instead of double quotes surrounding your code, and keep your data out-of-band from that code:

bash -c ' "$@"' 'updatelog' "$filesize" "$filename"

Note that only "$@" is inside the -c argument and parsed as code, and that this string is in single quotes, passed through without any changes whatsoever.

Following it are your arguments $0, $1 and $2; $0 is used when printing error messages, while $1 and $2 go into the list of arguments -- aka $@ -- passed through to

Simple solution for handling special characters in shell script input

Hm.. Double quotes are not enough. Must use single quotes, because the rare situation, for example

mycommand --password "AAA$PWD" #is worng for any exported environment varname
mycommand --password 'AAA$PWD' #ok

Here is no way avoid this, because your users using a sort of shell, what have variable expansions and metachar-globbing. Your command getting already expanded args, so here is no way catch this in your script.

The only way - as @Bohemian told above - reading the password from a tty. You can write a simple wrapper around your current script, what will read the password from a tty and after will execute your script with properly escaped --pasword argument.

Using a variable as another variable in a bash script?

If you REALLY want to be able to display the special characters, you can use zenity --text-info as shown below. It's not as aesthetically pleasing, but it can be done.

Just another 2¢

echo "Here is your random $newnumber character password, you can copy and paste it wherever you wish...


The passwords generated by this application are very strong, here are the numbers;

Length: $newnumber characters
Character Combinations: 96
Calculations Per Second: 4 billion
Possible Combinations: 2 vigintillion

Based on an average Desktop PC making about 4 Billion calculations per second

It would take about 21 quattuordecillion years to crack your password.

As a number that's 21,454,815,022,336,020,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years!" | zenity --text-info --title "Your $newnumber character password" --width 600 --height 500`


After playing with it some more, it appears that zenity doesn't like printing variables with special characters.

This script should work

I made 2 changes.

1 newnumber=`zenity.... This will read the input from zenity.

2 Removed some special characters from the MATRIX

I marked all changes with #CHANGED

Here's the revised script.

# May need to be invoked with #!/bin/bash2 on older machines.
#Random 32 character password generator
zenity --info --title="32 Character Password Generator" --text="Hi, so you want to get yourself a new password? You've the perfect little application here, just click OK to generate your new password."

newnumber=`zenity --entry --text="Please enter a number (no limitations!) :" --entry-text="$number"`
# read newnumber
[ -n "$newnumber" ] && number=$newnumber
#CHANGED Removed offending special characters
# Password will consist of standard characters.
#This variable can be changed for password lenth
#(need to try get zenity to let user choose that number)

while [ "${n:=1}" -le "$LENGTH" ]
# := is "default substitution" operator.
# So, if 'n' has not been initialized, set it to 1.
# Very clever, but tricky.

# Starting from the innermost nesting...
# ${#MATRIX} returns length of array MATRIX.

# $RANDOM%${#MATRIX} returns random number between 1
# and [length of MATRIX] - 1.

# ${MATRIX:$(($RANDOM%${#MATRIX})):1}
# returns expansion of MATRIX at random position, by length 1.
# See {var:pos:len} parameter substitution in Chapter 9.
# and the associated examples.

# PASS=... simply pastes this result onto previous PASS (concatenation).

# to let zenity show the password being built one character at a time, uncomment the following line
# zenity --info --text="$PASS"
let n+=1
# Increment 'n' for next pass.
# CHANGED $PASS to '$PASS' below
zenity --info --title="Your 32 character password" --text="Here is your random 32 character password, you can copy and paste it wherever you wish...


The passwords generated by this application are very strong, here are the numbers;

Length: 32 characters
Character Combinations: 96
Calculations Per Second: 4 billion
Possible Combinations: 2 vigintillion

Based on an average Desktop PC making about 4 Billion calculations per second

It would take about 21 quattuordecillion years to crack your password.

As a number that's 21,454,815,022,336,020,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years!" # you could redirect to a file, to store the password. Use something like $PASS 2> /file/name

exit 0

Escaping characters in bash (for JSON)

OK, found out what to do. Bash supports this natively as expected, though as always, the syntax isn't really very guessable!

Essentially ${string//substring/replacement} returns what you'd image, so you can use


To do this. The next problem is that the first regex doesn't work anymore, but that can be replaced with

git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s'

In the end, I didn't even need to escape them. Instead, I just swapped all the ' in the JSON to \". Well, you learn something every day.

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