Over_Query_Limit in Google Maps API V3: How to Pause/Delay in JavaScript to Slow It Down

OVER_QUERY_LIMIT in Google Maps API v3: How do I pause/delay in Javascript to slow it down?

Nothing like these two lines appears in Mike Williams' tutorial:

    wait = true;
setTimeout("wait = true", 2000);

Here's a Version 3 port:


The relevant bit of code is

  // ====== Geocoding ======
function getAddress(search, next) {
geo.geocode({address:search}, function (results,status)
// If that was successful
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
// Lets assume that the first marker is the one we want
var p = results[0].geometry.location;
var lat=p.lat();
var lng=p.lng();
// Output the data
var msg = 'address="' + search + '" lat=' +lat+ ' lng=' +lng+ '(delay='+delay+'ms)<br>';
document.getElementById("messages").innerHTML += msg;
// Create a marker
// ====== Decode the error status ======
else {
// === if we were sending the requests to fast, try this one again and increase the delay
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) {
} else {
var reason="Code "+status;
var msg = 'address="' + search + '" error=' +reason+ '(delay='+delay+'ms)<br>';
document.getElementById("messages").innerHTML += msg;


It seems like you may be going over the "# or requests per second" limit. As mentioned in the documentation:

You can exceed the Google Maps API Web Services usage limits by:

  • Sending too many requests per day.
  • requests too fast, i.e. too many requests per second.
  • requests too fast for too long or otherwise abusing the web service.
  • Exceeding other usage limits, e.g. points per request in the Elevation API.

To verify that you are hitting that limit:

Upon receiving a response with status code OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, your
application should determine which usage limit has been exceeded. This
can be done by pausing for 2 seconds and resending the same request.
If status code is still OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, your application is sending
too many requests per day. Otherwise, your application is sending too
many requests per second.

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