How to Display Length of Filtered Ng-Repeat Data

Angular get length of filtered ng-repeat

You can create an intermediate variable that will hold the filtered array:

data-ng-repeat="result in filteredResults = (results | filter:filterPrice | filter:filterCarCategories | etc.)"

and then can use:


AngularJS - how count filtered objects of ng-repeat

You can achieve that by filtering the eventsData array combined with the search filter then getting the length.


{{(eventsData | filter:search:strict | filter:'Critical').length}}
{{(eventsData | filter:search:strict | filter:'Warning').length}}
{{(eventsData | filter:search:strict | filter:'ok').length}}

Here's the JsFiddle link.


<div ng-controller="YourCtrl">
<input type="text" ng-model="search.description" />
<br />
<br />
<input type="text" ng-model="search.severity" />
<br />
<br />
<input type="text" ng-model="search.duration" />
<br />
<br />
<p>Number of Critical Events: {{(eventsData | filter:search:strict | filter:'Critical').length}}</p>
<p>Number of Warning Events: {{(eventsData | filter:search:strict | filter:'Warning').length}}</p>
<p>Number of Ok Events: {{(eventsData | filter:search:strict | filter:'ok').length}}</p>
<br />

<div ng-repeat="eventData in eventsData | filter:search:strict">
<div> {{eventData.severity}} </div>
<div> {{eventData.description}} </div>
<div> {{eventData.duration}} </div>

Your JS

'use strict';
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('YourCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {

$scope.eventsData = [
'severity': 'Critical',
'description': 'content1',
'duration': 1
}, {
'severity': 'Warning',
'description': 'content2',
'duration': 2
}, {
'severity': 'ok',
'description': 'content3',
'duration': 3
}, {
'severity': 'Warning',
'description': 'content2',
'duration': 2
}, {
'severity': 'ok',
'description': 'content3',
'duration': 3

Hope it helps.

How to get total length of filtered data in angularJS when filtering is done using ng-show ?

<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.filteredReport = (ctrl.updatedData | 
filter:ctrl.filterByQuarter:strict | filter:searchText)">

It removes / adds items from the DOM in a blink of an eye, pretty cool.

However, slow with huge data.but ng-show that hides/show elements instead of deleting them, Same result better performance

you can use track by to get index and write custom functions as told by @Alex Toby

<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.filteredReport = (ctrl.updatedData | 
filter:ctrl.filterByQuarter:strict | filter:searchText) track by $index">

How can I get the length of my filtered ngRepeat array in Angular?

You can use a function to tell the page where to start from.


In Angular you already have a built-in function limitTo so we're just adding the startFrom function so it can track it's location the results.

{{(data.length}} will give you the total number of results.
{{(data|filter:searchterm).length}} will give you the number of filtered results.

Updated fiddle.

I would also recommend looking at the example fiddles on Angular's wiki here.

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