Why This Javac: File Not Found Error

Why this javac: File Not Found error?

You shouldn't set your classpath to point to your JDK bin directory -- instead it should be the PATH environment variable, which serves a different purpose to classpath. (The classpath defines a list of jars and directories containing compiled Java .class code; the PATH variable defines a list of paths where the shell needs to look and locate programs to execute when they are not found in the current directory -- so if you type for instance zip -- it would look in all the directories defined in PATH and figure out that zip program is located under /usr/bin)
Secondly if you want to compile sources from both directory you need to specify:

  • all the paths where the sources are (both home/pathToFolderA/src and home/pathToFolderB/gen-java)
  • the path where the compiled .class files to be generated
  • specify in the classpath any library you might use in your source files

To sum it up, it would be something like this to compile:

javac -d /home/pathToFolderWithResultsOfCompilation -classpath /path/to/some.jar:/path/to/another.jar home/pathToFolderA/src/*.java home/pathToFolderB/gen-java/*.java 

and to run your compiled programs:

java -classpath /path/to/some.jar:/path/to/another.jar:/home/pathToFolderWithResultsOfCompilation full.name.of.your.Java

I could not understand why javac: file not found: HelloWorld.java

You seem to have never used the command prompt before. The command prompt has a "current directory", just like in a file explorer window, there is a "current directory", the directory that you are viewing right now.

The current directory is usually shown just to the left of the caret.

Sample Image

The current directory on the above photo is C:\Users\Mrhope.

Type dir to see all the files and directories of the current directory. You can then use cd to navigate to a subdirectory. Say you are in Documents now, and you can do this

cd Project

to go to the Project folder. By the way ../ means the parent directory

The HelloWorld.java in javac HelloWorld.java is a path relative to the current directory, so this will only work if HelloWorld.java is in the current directory. You should try to use cd to navigate to the correct directory then use that command.

Setting the PATH environmental variable is quite irrelevant here because that is setting the path of the JRE. Please set it back.

I suggest you learn the basics of cmd first. Many tutorials are available online.

javac: file not found in Ubuntu Java

Try this:

javac -cp .:libs/java-json.jar ./src/edge.java ./src/median_degree.java

as the source files are not part of the class path and needs to be supplied as source files using the full path.

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