Eclipse 3.6 Helios for Ubuntu 10.10

Eclipse 3.6 Helios for Ubuntu 10.10

Try this:

To install eclipse on ubuntu you need to download it first from
Extract the downloaded file by right click on it and extract here or running the following:

tar xzf dir/eclipse-SDK-

Where eclipse-SDK- is your eclipse-SDK name with version and dir is the directory of eclipse-sdk.

Now move it to the root directory. Apply the following command to do this.

sudo mv dir/eclipse ~

Now you are ready to configure your eclipse. To do this follow the following step by step...

sudo mv eclipse /opt/

Take care of the permissions:

sudo chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse
sudo chmod +x /opt/eclipse/eclipse

Create an executable in your path:

sudo touch /usr/bin/eclipse
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
sudo gedit /usr/bin/eclipse

Copy the following content and save the file:

export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*

Let’s also make eclipse executable everywhere by creating a symlink:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/eclipse /bin/eclipse

Create the menu icon:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Type in this content and save:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse IDE

Run for the first time:

eclipse -clean

You can now start Eclipse by simply typing eclipse in the terminal or from the GNOME menu Applications -> Programming -> Eclipse

How to upgrade eclipse from Galileo to Helios in Ubuntu 10.10 via Help- Install New Software...

According to this, the only lines that really matter from that error output are the last ones.

Cannot satisfy dependency:

From: Eclipse SDK 3.6.2.M20110210-1200 (org.eclipse.sdk.ide 3.6.2.M20110210-1200)

To: [2.0.1.r361_v20100903-897HFa-FX0z-z-ntoaavz0JPX628]

I had this problem too and was unable to resolve it without first uninstalling everything and following this method to get it all rolling (That's a link to my blog where I mashed together all the guides that helped me get it installed).

Good luck!

Installing Eclipse/Java on Ubuntu

I strongly recommend you not to install Eclipse in that way, it is not really useful and you will get just the Eclipse with the Java Standard Perspective. What I recommend you is to download the tar.gz file from the page (including the Java EE perspective). Copy the tar file in a directory where you want all your development tools, like /home/user/dev/eclipse and start from there. You can create a launcher in your desktop to get a faster access to the IDE. When I started with Ubuntu, I used to install the way you had installed (sudo apt-get...) but I can tell you that the best way to do is to install it manually. If the JDK is well installed, you will not have any problem launching your Eclipse. Best regards.

Android Plugin in Eclipse 3.5 / 3.6 on Ubuntu 64bit got problems with properties


Edit (just to complete the answer):

Within the property when focused on the value, press Tab followed by Space. Reason: Tab moves to the small "..." button behind the value and Space depresses it.

Eclipse Helios for RCP and RAD developers won't update to 3.6.2

If I understand the comments on this bug report correctly, the update or parts of it have currently been disabled because of an issue when updating Eclipse on Mac OS X. It seems you/we (I'm having a similar problem) can either wait for a bit or try using the update site mentioned in the comments:

I haven't tried this myself, though.

how to tell ubuntu apt-get to install eclipse in other than the default version

For a given Debian distro version, apt has only one version of any given software.
This is because apt tries to solve the problem of dependencies (just like maven in the java
domain if this speaks to you).

If you "lie" about your version, apt won't complain, it's your own risk. As for eclipse there is little risk as eclipse is only dependent on java versions (for a given os/32-64/gui lib).

In 10.10 the eclipse standard version is 3.5sr2

But in natty narwhal it's 3.6, so you could try to use the

An even safer solution is to add a PPA to your repositories list (synaptic => settings => repository for instance or update manager) there are other PPA that offer helios

Best example:

The Eclipse ppa which has the 3.6 version (follow the PPA configuration instructions if you have never added a ppa before.

This answers your question. Howewer I tend to discourage using apt for eclipse (see SO answers here and here)

Eclipse and Window Builder Pro

Have you tried reporting this problem on WindowBuilder forum? StackOverflow is great and all, but is no substitute for going directly to the software maker when running into problems.

Issue with updating eclipse

You are getting this message because you are trying to install into a read-only (shared) location. The indication is at this line:

Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile

The reason why there is a failure is that your install plan would remove an old version of a feature that is part of the shared install. Since a shared install cannot be changed, you get the conflicting dependency.

As it happens, I am working on a patch for exactly this bug. See:

The fix would not allow you to install in this situation, but it would at least provide a better error message for you.

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