Any Good Orm Tools for Android Development

Is it a good idea to use an ORM for Android apps?

As of May 18, 2017, Google introduced Room at I/O '17 as replacement for raw SQLite queries. So, at least this ORM is now officially recommended.

How productive and necessary is the use of ORM in Android

ORM helps you work on and think about your code more on the level of Object and less about tables and columns. This is important if you want to maintain Object Orientation of your code. ORM helps translate table/columns space to and from your Objects so you don't have to or at least very minimally.

ORM does not have to be complex and costly. There are now a lot of simple library/framework if your need is simple. I use OrmLite for my Android projects so far.

A good Java ORM library on Android

I can recommend

Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)?

Regarding JPA implementations, there is at least a third party Dialect for SQLite for Hibernate. I'm not 100% sure but EclipseLink seems to be an option too (although SQLite is not officially supported).

But for Android development, I would definitely check ActiveAndroid.

Just in case, here are some other alternatives: jPersist, Ebean, Dreamsource ORM (have a look at the announcement on TSS).

How to use ORM in android

ORM solutions for Android have already been discussed here. ORMLite is a good starting point. An ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping and will map database tables to entities. For a Persons table for example, a class Person will be created. You will then be able to edit the fields of the class and when you call a "save" method, the database table will be updated.

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