Run Custom Textsecure (Signal) Server

Run custom TextSecure (Signal) server

You can run your own TextSecure server, but first of all you need to create accounts at Twilio, AWS S3, Google Developer and Apple Developer.

Twilio - for sms broadcasting(for registration in TextServer).

AWS - for documents in TextSecure.

Google developer - for push notifications.

Apple Developer - for push notifications(i didn't reg this one because i did hack Push server).

After thay you need to install: JDK and Cryptography extension, Maven, Postgresql, Redis.

With Maven install: Dropwizard-simpleauth, WebSocket-Resources.

With Maven compile PushServer and start it with your settings (redis, auth, gcm, apn).

With Maven compile TextServer with -DskipTests key.

After that you can use your own TextServer but without RedPhone. The RedPhone repo was deleted from github.

Hope this helps you.

Unable to get Registration to text-secure server working

In the testsecure server YML the redphone authkey is required even functionality is not needed at all because the server register itself using the same
for this one need to create a project in google developer account and the use the numeric part as authkey in the yml file.

for ex project name "my_readphone-112312" then the authkey will be 112312

then add the below entry in yml

authKey: 112312

signal/Textsecure bindings for c/c++?

after a little more digging i found that textsecure bindings are now renamed to libsignal.

after finding that out i found a lib for c/c++

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