What Is the Point of "Final Class" in Java

What is the point of final class in Java?

First of all, I recommend this article: Java: When to create a final class

If they do, when do they use it so I can understand it better and know when to use it.

A final class is simply a class that can't be extended.

(It does not mean that all references to objects of the class would act as if they were declared as final.)

When it's useful to declare a class as final is covered in the answers of this question:

  • Good reasons to prohibit inheritance in Java?

If Java is object oriented, and you declare a class final, doesn't it stop the idea of class having the characteristics of objects?

In some sense yes.

By marking a class as final you disable a powerful and flexible feature of the language for that part of the code. Some classes however, should not (and in certain cases can not) be designed to take subclassing into account in a good way. In these cases it makes sense to mark the class as final, even though it limits OOP. (Remember however that a final class can still extend another non-final class.)

When to use final keyword before a class?

A final class cannot be subclassed. This is done for reasons of security and efficiency. Some of the classes in Java API are final, for example java.lang.System. Sometimes security and immutability is of far more importance than re usability.

According to this IBM developerWorks article :

The common perception is that declaring classes or methods final makes it easier for the compiler to inline method calls, but this perception is incorrect (or at the very least, greatly overstated).

final classes and methods can be a significant inconvenience when programming -- they limit your options for reusing existing code and extending the functionality of existing classes. While sometimes a class is made final for a good reason, such as to enforce immutability, the benefits of using final should outweigh the inconvenience. Performance enhancement is almost always a bad reason to compromise good object-oriented design principles, and when the performance enhancement is small or nonexistent, this is a bad trade-off indeed.

Also read this Open Closed Principle:

Software Entities (Classes, Modules, Functions, etc.) should be open for Extension, but closed for Modification.

How does the final keyword in Java work? (I can still modify an object.)

You are always allowed to initialize a final variable. The compiler makes sure that you can do it only once.

Note that calling methods on an object stored in a final variable has nothing to do with the semantics of final. In other words: final is only about the reference itself, and not about the contents of the referenced object.

Java has no concept of object immutability; this is achieved by carefully designing the object, and is a far-from-trivial endeavor.

Final classes in Java which shouldn't be final or vice versa?

The first examples that come to mind are some of the non-final Number subclasses, such as BigDecimal and BigInteger, which should probably have been final.

In particular, all of their methods can be overriden. That enables you to create a broken BigDecimal, for example:

public class BrokenBigDecimal extends BigDecimal {
public BigDecimal add(BigDecimal augend) {
return BigDecimal.ZERO;

That could create significant issues if you receive BigDecimal from an untrusted code for example.

To paraphrase Effective Java:

  • Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it
  • Classes should be immutable unless there's a very good reason to make them mutable

Does use of final keyword in Java improve the performance?

Usually not. For virtual methods, HotSpot keeps track of whether the method has actually been overridden, and is able to perform optimizations such as inlining on the assumption that a method hasn't been overridden - until it loads a class which overrides the method, at which point it can undo (or partially undo) those optimizations.

(Of course, this is assuming you're using HotSpot - but it's by far the most common JVM, so...)

To my mind you should use final based on clear design and readability rather than for performance reasons. If you want to change anything for performance reasons, you should perform appropriate measurements before bending the clearest code out of shape - that way you can decide whether any extra performance achieved is worth the poorer readability/design. (In my experience it's almost never worth it; YMMV.)

EDIT: As final fields have been mentioned, it's worth bringing up that they are often a good idea anyway, in terms of clear design. They also change the guaranteed behaviour in terms of cross-thread visibility: after a constructor has completed, any final fields are guaranteed to be visible in other threads immediately. This is probably the most common use of final in my experience, although as a supporter of Josh Bloch's "design for inheritance or prohibit it" rule of thumb, I should probably use final more often for classes...

What is the point of final class in Java?

First of all, I recommend this article: Java: When to create a final class

If they do, when do they use it so I can understand it better and know when to use it.

A final class is simply a class that can't be extended.

(It does not mean that all references to objects of the class would act as if they were declared as final.)

When it's useful to declare a class as final is covered in the answers of this question:

  • Good reasons to prohibit inheritance in Java?

If Java is object oriented, and you declare a class final, doesn't it stop the idea of class having the characteristics of objects?

In some sense yes.

By marking a class as final you disable a powerful and flexible feature of the language for that part of the code. Some classes however, should not (and in certain cases can not) be designed to take subclassing into account in a good way. In these cases it makes sense to mark the class as final, even though it limits OOP. (Remember however that a final class can still extend another non-final class.)

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