Is There a Concurrent List in Java's Jdk

Is there a concurrent List in Java's JDK?

There is a concurrent list implementation in java.util.concurrent. CopyOnWriteArrayList in particular.

Choosing the best concurrency list in Java

had better be List

The only List implementation in java.util.concurrent is CopyOnWriteArrayList. There's also the option of a synchronized list as Travis Webb mentions.

That said, are you sure you need it to be a List? There are a lot more options for concurrent Queues and Maps (and you can make Sets from Maps), and those structures tend to make the most sense for many of the types of things you want to do with a shared data structure.

For queues, you have a huge number of options and which is most appropriate depends on how you need to use it:

  • ConcurrentLinkedQueue
  • ArrayBlockingQueue
  • LinkedBlockingDeque
  • LinkedBlockingQueue
  • PriorityBlockingQueue
  • SynchronousQueue
  • DelayQueue

Concurrent List data structure for reading file and storing objects

Not really. Your ArrayList strategy is as good as it gets and is e.g. equivalent to what parallelStream().collect(toList()) does.

java concurrent Array List access

The documentation answers your question.

It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned list when iterating over it:

List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
synchronized(list) {
Iterator i = list.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block
while (i.hasNext())

As for contains and remove, you shouldn't have to synchronize manually. I'm looking at the source code of Collections and it looks like it does that for you:

    public boolean contains(Object o) {
synchronized (mutex) {return c.contains(o);}
public boolean remove(Object o) {
synchronized (mutex) {return c.remove(o);}

It wouldn't be a synchronized list if you have to do this stuff on your own.

A concurrent collection that maintains insertion order

If you have mostly read operations, very few write operations and you don't have too much elements then you can use CopyOnWriteArrayList as it is a lock free implementation of a List for read operations such that it can hardly be faster but it is very costly for the write operations as for every single write, it re-builds the entire List to be able to provide a new read-only copy for the next read operations.

As in your case, you have many write operations and a lot of elements to put in your collection, CopyOnWriteArrayList is clearly not an option for you.

What I suggest in your case, is to use one thread-safe Queue that you can find into the java.util.concurrent package. According to your context and your JDK version the best choice may change, but if you don't specifically need a blocking queue or a deque but only a pure collection, the best choices are probably ArrayBlockingQueue, ConcurrentLinkedQueue or LinkedBlockingQueue but according to this benchmark result (a little bit old), the LinkedBlockingQueue provides the best overall performances.

But when we talk about performances, the first and most important advice is: always test on your target environment, it is the only valid way to know what is the best choice for you.

Concurrent access of List of Map in Java

Assuming the following:

  • The inputList list is populated by one thread, and then it is not modified (i.e. no elements are added/removed) by other threads
  • No two threads access the same map object in the input map (as the question states)

If this is the case, then there is no need to synchronize on inputList nor on input.

If, on the other hand, you will access inputList itself by other threads, use Collections.syncrhonizedList() for example.

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