How to Supply Value to an Annotation from a Constant Java

How to supply value to an annotation from a Constant java

Compile constants can only be primitives and Strings:

15.28. Constant Expressions

A compile-time constant expression is an expression denoting a value of primitive type or a String that does not complete abruptly and is composed using only the following:

  • Literals of primitive type and literals of type String
  • Casts to primitive types and casts to type String
  • [...] operators [...]
  • Parenthesized expressions whose contained expression is a constant expression.
  • Simple names that refer to constant variables.
  • Qualified names of the form TypeName . Identifier that refer to constant variables.

Actually in java there is no way to protect items in an array. At runtime someone can always do FieldValues.FIELD1[0]="value3", therefore the array cannot be really constant if we look deeper.

How to supply Enum value to an annotation from a Constant in Java

It seems to be defined in the JLS #9.7.1:

[...] The type of V is assignment compatible (§5.2) with T, and furthermore:

  • [...]
  • If T is an enum type, and V is an enum constant.

And an enum constant is defined as the actual enum constant (JLS #8.9.1), not a variable that points to that constant.

Bottom line: if you want to use an enum as a parameter for your annotation, you will need to give it an explicit MyEnum.XXXX value. If you want to use a variable, you will need to pick another type (not an enum).

One possible workaround is to use a String or int that you can then map to your enum - you will loose the type safety but the errors can be spotted easily at runtime (= during tests).

How can I supply a symbol to a Java annotation?

We all agree that a static import is a constant.

No, we don't.

A static import does nothing other than making a field/method/... accessible via a simple name as opposed to having to use the fully qualified name.

That simple name might be a reference to a constant field or it might be a reference to something else.

You've defined someFunction as

public static Function<Long, Long> someFunction = a -> b;

According to the rules of the Java language that is not a "constant expression" (emphasis mine):

A constant expression is an expression denoting a value of primitive type or a String [...]

Obviously a Function is neither a primitive value nor a String.

Additionally you've defined the symbol to take a Class<? extends Function>, which means you need to assign it a class that implements Function. someFunction is not a Class, it's an actual object that happens to implement Function.

Java Annotation to enforce a compile-time minimum value of a constant?

The Constant Value Checker of the Checker Framework has an @IntRange annotation that does what you want.

If you annotate the type of a variable like this:

@IntRange(from=0, to=11) int month;

then at compile time, the compiler will issue an error anywhere in the program that month might take on a value outside of the range 0..11. You can write just one of the bounds; in your case, you would use

public static final @IntRange(from=3) int BORDER=2;  // compile-time error

Get rid of The value for annotation attribute must be a constant expression message

The value for an annotation must be a compile time constant, so there is no simple way of doing what you are trying to do.

See also here: How to supply value to an annotation from a Constant java

It is possible to use some compile time tools (ant, maven?) to config it if the value is known before you try to run the program.

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