How to Use Java Property Files

Reading Properties file in Java

Based on your exception, the InputStream is null, this means the class loader is not finding your properties file. I'm guessing that is in the root of your project, if that's the case, you need a preceding slash:

InputStream stream = loader.getResourceAsStream("/");

How to read data from java properties file using Spring Boot

You can use @PropertySource to externalize your configuration to a properties file. There is number of way to do get properties:

Assign the property values to fields by using @Value with PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer to resolve ${} in @Value:

public class ApplicationConfiguration {

private String gMapReportUrl;

public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigInDev() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();


Get the property values by using Environment:

public class ApplicationConfiguration {

private Environment env;

public void foo() {


Hope this can help

How to use Java property files?

You can pass an InputStream to the Property, so your file can pretty much be anywhere, and called anything.

Properties properties = new Properties();
try {
properties.load(new FileInputStream("path/filename"));
} catch (IOException e) {

Iterate as:

for(String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
System.out.println(key + " => " + value);

Java - purpose of property files

In general, property files are maintained in file system(Windows/Linux), but your class files are packaged as part of jar/war file. If you hardcode the values inside the classes, then you need to change the property value in the class, then recompile and repackage the jar/war file and test and redeploy the application.

why can't we have those values in Java class?

This is like hardcoding the values (inside class/jar/war) as you need to recompile the Java code and redeploy the application everytime a property value changes.

What benefits does a property file give over Java files?

You don't need to recompile the code, rather they can be updated from the property file (they reside outside class/jar/war) itself and you can restart the server/program.

Best way to access properties from property file in java

I can suggest two approaches:
1. Define a utility method which will take String as parameter and return value from properties.

For Example:

public static String GetValue(String key) {
return properties.getProperty(key);

And now you can use this function on callers

String value = GetValue("key"); // properties.getProperty("key");

  1. Define above method and in addition create one class Called Constants(or something suitable). Define all your Keys here as Static final variable.

    public class Constants
    public static final String KEY = "key";
    public static final String KEY2 = "key2";

and now make call for getting value using these variable instead of string:

String value = GetValue(KEY); //GetValue("key");

If you do only option 1, your code is becoming more readable. But I will recommend 2nd option, which is making your code readable as well as maintainable.

You can easily do following operation :

  1. Update property name
  2. No need to worry about mistyping key etc.

Creating a properties file in Java and eclipse

  1. Create a new file from file menu Or press Ctrl+N
  2. In place of file name write then click finish

Then you can add properties your property file like this


Example of loading properties

public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Properties prop = new Properties();
InputStream input = null;

try {

input = new FileInputStream("");

// load a properties file

// get the property value and print it out

} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
if (input != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {


By Edit

By Edit

Why use properties file instead of placing properties as fields in java class?

Because Java source file needs recompilation and deployment to make a change.

If your code reads a property file, it's:

  • Easier to change the value.

  • Allows reading property file from outside jar file (if configured), so it can be changed without changing a deployed jar file.

I mean, you did call it a "configuration value", right?

That implies that you can "configure" it when you deploy the code.

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