Password Encrypt and Decrypt Using Spring-Security

Password Encryption / Decryption using Spring

Take a look at the PasswordEncoder.

Password encrypt and decrypt using Spring-security

I stored application username, password in a text file in server. I then used a plugin to encrypt and decrypt them and use in my application. this way I can checkin the entire code in to git which will have no passwords at all..

Password encryption/decryption Spring security

MD5 is a one-way algorithm. This is not a one-to-one mapping. There is no way to decrypt its output.

When working with stored MD5 encrypted passwords, you must authenticate users by encrypting their input and comparing the result to the stored encrypted password.

Password encryption in Spring MVC

Can you clarify if you are looking for Spring Security or Spring MVC. Your question title is ""Password encryption in "Spring MVC" whereas you have tagged the question for Spring Security.

Spring security suggests to use the following

Spring Security-encrypted string - decryption in Go fails

Password encoding and decoding using Spring Security, Spring Boot and MongoDB

First read Steven Carlson´s answer about password hashing.

The good thing is that Spring Security will do this for you. Spring Security 3.2 introduced the new interface and some implementations: BCryptPasswordEncoder, StandardPasswordEncoder (and NoOpPasswordEncoder).

Important: Do not confuse with the old deprecated

The interface (and therefore the implementations) has the two methods you need:

  • public String encode(CharSequence rawPassword)
  • public boolean matches(CharSequence rawPassword, String encodedPassword)

I recommend to use
The BCryptPasswordEncoder (in contrast to the StandardPasswordEncoder) use an salt that is different for each password (but not global like the one from StandardPasswordEncoder). When you encode a raw password (public String encode(CharSequence rawPassword)) then the returned encoded password is not just the encoded password, it also contains some meta information about the used hash-algorithm, the used salt and of course the encoded password.

Decode a password before login Spring Boot

I've found a solution, not sure if it is the best possible but it works, Spring uses a PasswordEncoder object to check that the password typed by the user match the stored (and hashed) password.

I was using a BCryptPasswordEncoder which uses the method matches(rawPass,encodedPass) to check the password, so i've created my own PasswordEncoder in this way

protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
.passwordEncoder(new PasswordEncoder(){

BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

public boolean matches(CharSequence rawPassword, String encodedPassword) {

// Decoding stuff on the encrypted password sended by the client (rawPassword)

return encoder.matches(decryptedPassword, encodedPassword);

public String encode(CharSequence rawPassword) {
//Same crypto operation to get the plain password
return encoder.encode(decryptedPassword);

so the client send the encrypted password to the server, the custom PasswordEncoder decrypt it to get back the plain password then pass it to the BCryptPasswordEncoder, Spring security will handle the rest of the authentication process

AES Encryption/decryption using Spring Security

Spring security actually does not build encryption tools themselves - they deal more with authentication, login, sessions, and encoding (so, hashing passwords and that sort of thing). Take a look at, which is commonly used with spring security if encryption/decryption is needed at the spring security level (

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