How to Test Class Which Implements Runnable With Junit

How to test class which implements Runnable with Junit

Separate the concerns : the Runnable and the logic associated.

It will make in addition your code mode testable.

You could extract sendRequest() in a Foo class that the Processor class depends on.
Then you have just to mock this Foo class in your test and verify that the sendRequest() method was invoked.

For example :

 public Processor implements Runnable{

private Foo foo;

public Processor(Foo foo){ = foo;

public void run() {
while (true) {
//some code

And the test :

Foo fooMock;

public void run() {
Processor processor = new Processor(fooMock);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
executor.awaitTermination(someTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

How to unit test a class that implements Runnable

I guess you only want to test if the run() method does the right thing. At the moment you also test the ServiceExecutor.

If you just want to write a unit test you should call the run method in your test.

public class ExampleThreadTest {

@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void shouldThrowIllegalArgumentExceptionForInvalidNumber() {
ExampleThread exThread = new ExampleThread(-1);;

How do I Unit Test Runnable Class?

you can try to test like this

public class TestMultiThread {
public void testThread(){
final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
executorService.execute(new ReportSenderRunnable());
System.out.println("started Report Sender Job");

create junit test for runnable class

To test the runnable running in a separate thread, the JUnit test should (1) construct the runnable, (2) start a thread constructed on the runnable, (3) queue a few entries, (4) wait for a short period, (5) call stop(), and (6) check that all entries got processed.

In this case, your code will fail the test since your run() method does not have a loop and thus will only process the first entry. It also doesn't have any code for processing the entry and doesn't compile yet.

In addition to the JUnit test, you need to do a careful code inspection for concurrency issues. For example, processEntries needs to be volatile.

Junit for runnable class and Queue

In your test method, you created a new queue that has nothing to do with your m_Processor instance; it goes unused entirely. You need to change your code so you can get the PersistentQueue instance contained inside your m_Processor instance. Assuming you have a getter method called getPersistentQueue inside Processor, then you can use the following:

public void test() {
assertEquals(1, m_Processor.getPersistentQueue().size());

Unit test for Runnable with Mockito

Pass a mock Handler to the constructor of TestClass.

Then use Mockito.verify() to assert that callHandler() method was called.

Involving concurrency

You can stub an answer that counts down on a CountDownLatch to make the test wait for the handler to be hit. Waiting will involve setting a reasonable timeout, which can be tricky, you don't want it too high, or failure will make the test run much longer, and not too low so that you don't get false positives.

Handler handler = mock(Handler.class);
CountDownLatch finished = new CountDownLatch(1);

doAnswer(invocation -> {
return null;

TestClass testClass = new TestClass(executor, handler);


boolean ended = finished.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



Bypassing concurrency

If you're only trying to determine whether the handler is invoked you can use an Executor that executes on the same thread. This will make for a more stable test.

Handler handler = mock(Handler.class);
Executor executor = new Executor() {
public void execute(Runnable command) {;

TestClass testClass = new TestClass(executor, handler);



How to mock run() method of Runnable subclass with required parameters

After looking into multiple posts, I finally got the solution.
Because of the @RequiredArgsConstructor paramater creating an object of Event class will not happen through no arguement constructor.
Code inside unit test case class :

@Mock Person person;

@Mock Student student;

@Injectmocks Event event;

private void testfunction(){

Event event = new Event(person,student);;


How to write Junit test cases for a Thread class

Don't extend Thread. Implement Runnable. Test the run() method the same way you would test any "ordinary" method.

The obvious benefit of this approach is that you don't need to deal with concurrency at all.

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