How to Indicate to Spring Boot to Use Utc Time Zone for Date Parameters

How do I indicate to Spring Boot to use UTC time zone for date parameters?

I changed the class to java.time.LocalDate and added this dependency

    <!-- For LocalDate to be deserialized using ISO format -->

How do I force a Spring Boot JVM into UTC time zone?

Use property if you want to pass JVM options from Maven Spring Boot Plugin to forked Spring Boot application:


This is be equivalent to command line syntax:

mvn spring-boot:run"-Duser.timezone=UTC"

or when running a fully packaged Spring Boot application:

java -Duser.timezone=UTC -jar app.jar

hibernate + spring boot store date on UTC time zone troubles

I opened an issue in the hibernate bug tracker and had an answer of my problem.

For LocalTime the tranformation is relative to the 1st january 1970 not the day i had run the test. So the DST is not handled.

According to Vlad Mihalcea we have to use LocalDateTime instead because we know the date and of course if it's on DST period or not.

there is the whole response here:


Spring-boot @RequestParam annotation converts UTC timezone in request to local timezone

When you start your application, the VM automatically inherits the default timezone of your local machine. You can update the default timezone for your application as following.

public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {
TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));, args);


Timezone issue in Spring Boot JPA application

After so much research I found the solution.

Actually issue was because of

this property which I have set in my

When I removed this property everything works fine at the backend. Backend showing the perfect time which is available in database.

But now when response comes to frontend, at that time my date gets converted to UTC.

Like backend it's showing 2020-06-03 18:56:14.0 and when it comes to front end it converts to 2020-06-02T13:26:14.000+0000.

Which is also an issue for me.

So after some more research I found that Jackson by default converts all date to UTC when object send to frontend.

The solution to this problem is


My Database and System timezone is IST so I have set IST to jackson timezone too which solves the problem.

Hope this answer may help someone.

Date timezone with Spring boot and Jackson

A java.util.Date doesn't have any timezone information. Once you deserialize a String to a Date, the offset +0300 is lost: the date keeps just the timestamp value, and it can't know what's the original timezone it came from.

If the output must always be in +03:00 offset, you can set it directly in the respective fields, using the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat annotation:

@JsonFormat(timezone = "GMT+03:00")
private Date startDateTime;

@JsonFormat(timezone = "GMT+03:00")
private Date endDateTime;

With this, the date fields will always be serialized to +03:00 offset:


If the inputs can be in any other offset (not only +03:00) and you want to preserve it, the java.util.Date isn't the ideal type. One alternative is to use Jackson Modules Java 8, if you're using Java >= 8.

For Java 6 and 7, there's the ThreeTen Backport and the corresponding Jackson module - I haven't tested, though, but the code might be similar, as the ThreeTen Backport contains the same classes and methods, only the package is different - (in Java 8 is java.time and in ThreeTen Backport is org.threeten.bp).

To preserve the date, time and offset, the best alternative is the OffsetDateTime class. So you just need to change the fields type and set the corresponding format to it:

@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXX")
private OffsetDateTime startDateTime;

@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXX")
private OffsetDateTime endDateTime;

In the object mapper, you must also register the JavaTimeModule and disable the ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE feature, so the offsets are preserved (the default behaviour is to convert to Jackson context's timezone, which might not be the same used in the inputs - by disabling this, the offset is preserved).

You can use a JacksonConfigurator (as explained in this answer) and do these configurations:

ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
om.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
om.configure(DeserializationFeature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE, false);

This configuration is usually enough, but you can also set SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS to false as well, just in case.

If you still need to work with java.util.Date, you can use the API to convert from/to it. In Java 8, there's the new Date.from method:

// convert to java.util.Date
public Date getStartAsJavaUtilDate() {
return Date.from(startDateTime.toInstant());

And in ThreeTen Backport, there's the org.threeten.bp.DateTimeUtils class:

// convert to java.util.Date

To convert a Date back to OffsetDateTime, though, it's more tricky. The Date object has no timezone information, so it can't know the original offset. One alternative is to keep the original offset in a separate variable:

// keep the original offset
ZoneOffset startDateOffset = startDateTime.getOffset();

Then, you can convert the Date to Instant, and then convert it to the original offset:

// convert java.util.Date to original offset (Java 8)
startDateTime = date.toInstant().atOffset(startDateOffset);

// ThreeTen Backport
startDateTime = DateTimeUtils.toInstant(date).atOffset(startDateOffset);

How to change Java Date timezone from server local timezone to a different timezone for a spring boot native query?

You said:

column created_date saved as timestamp without time zone

That is the wrong data type for recording moments. Specific points on the timeline must be written to a column of the type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, not WITHOUT.

Postgres uses the offset-from-UTC or time zone info supplied with any input to adjust to UTC. Values in a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column in Postgres are always in UTC, always.

You said:

run the below query on pgadmin

Unfortunately, many tools including pgAdmin have the anti-feature where they apply some default time zone to adjust the value retrieved from the database. This gives the false illusion of the value having been stored with a particular time zone. But as I said, values in a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column in Postgres are always in UTC, always. I suggest always setting the pgAdmin session default time zone to UTC.

Never use Calendar or Date. Use only java.time classes with JDBC 4.2 or later.

The time zone Asia/Calcutta has been renamed to Asia/Kolkata.

If you want the start and end of a day as seen in modern India :

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Asia/Kolkata" ) ;
LocalDate today = z ) ;
ZonedDateTime start = today.atStartOfDay( z ) ;
ZonedDateTime end = today.plusDays( 1 ).atStartOfDay( z ) ;

We are using the Half-Open approach to defining a span of time, usually best for date-time work.

Convert to OffsetDateTime before passing to your PreparedStatement, to use a data type appropriate to SQL.

OffsetDateTime startOdt = start.toOffsetDateTime() ;

You wrote:

Calendar startDate = (Calendar) Calendar.getInstance();

No need to cast here. That method already returns a Calendar object, so casting is pointless. (And, never use Calendar.)

I’ve been brief here, as this topic has already been addressed many many times on Stack Overflow. Search to learn more.

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