Best Way to Run Jar Application With Arguments from Env Variables

How to make environment variables work in a JAR file?

Simplest solution is to run it as: R_HOME=/usr/lib64/R java -jar xxx.jar

This would set an environment variable named R_HOME for the execution of your jar

pass environment variable to jar as command line arguments

Depending on the shell you are using the environment variable names might have different restrictions, but in most cases . is not allowed so name your variable something like SERVER_HTTP_HOST_VALUE for example and use it like this:

java -jar test.jar$SERVER_HTTP_HOST_VALUE

suggestion to run jar files in practical way

A well coded batch file is a good solution to run a Java application easily by users.

Here is an example with some comment lines:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
title MyProgram
if "%~1" == "/?" goto ShowHelp

rem Try to find java.exe in current folder or any folder defined in
rem environment variable PATH as Windows command interpreter would do.

set "SearchPath=%CD%;%PATH%"
set "SearchPath=%SearchPath:)=^)%"
set "SearchPath=%SearchPath:\;=;%"
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('echo %SearchPath:;=^&ECHO %') do (
if exist "%%~I\java.exe" (
set "JavaPath=%%~I"
goto RunMyProgram

echo %~dpn0
echo Error: Failed to find java.exe in current folder or
echo any folder defined in environment variable PATH.

echo Please enter path to folder with java.exe.
echo Enter nothing to exit if Java is not installed at all.

set "JavaPath="
set /P "JavaPath=Path to java.exe: "

rem Has the user entered a folder path at all?
if "!JavaPath!" == "" goto BatchExit

rem Remove all double quotes from entered folder path.
set "JavaPath=!JavaPath:"=!"

rem Replace all / by \ in entered folder path.
set "JavaPath=!JavaPath:/=\!"

rem If there is a backslash at end, remove this backslash.
if "!JavaPath:~-1!" == "\" set "JavaPath=!JavaPath:~0,-1!"

rem Does java.exe exist in entered folder path?
if exist "!JavaPath!\java.exe" goto RunMyProgram

echo There is no java.exe in entered folder.
goto GetJavaPath

echo For using this application ...

goto BatchExit

"%JavaPath%\java.exe" -cp "%~dp0MyProgram.jar" %*


The entire batch code uses its own environment defined with setlocal and endlocal. Read the answer on change directory command cd ..not working in batch file after npm install for a detailed explanation what those two commands do.

On third line the title for the console application is defined which should be edited to whatever you think would be good for your Java application.

The standard parameter to get help on a command or console application on Windows is running it with /? as parameter. Therefore the batch code checks if first parameter is equal /? and in this case outputs a help you have to write for your application below label ShowHelp.

Next the batch file searches in current directory and all directories defined in environment variable PATH for java.exe. It is expected that the Java executable could be found automatically and so your Java application can be executed next without any user interaction. This code part is a slightly modified version of the code written by Magoo in his answer on Find the path used by the command line when calling an executable.

But if java.exe could not be found automatically, the name of the batch file with full path is output to let the user know which application is printing the error message, and next the error message, too.

The user has now the possibility to enter manually or by drag and drop the path to the folder containing java.exe.

By pressing just RETURN or ENTER the user can exit the batch file in case of recognizing that Java is not installed at all and therefore your Java application can't be used by this user.

Otherwise possible surrounding double quotes are removed from entered folder path, forward slashes are replaced by backslashes as many users use / instead of \\ on Windows by mistake, and last character of entered folder path is also removed in case of folder path ends with a backslash.

Next is verified if java.exe really exists in the folder entered by the user.

Note: In case of the user enters for example "\" the environment variable JavaPath does not exist anymore on file existence check, but that does not really matter. The entered folder path is referenced using delayed expansion to prevent an exit of the batch file processing because of a syntax error in case of the user made a typing mistake on entering folder path which would result with immediate variable expansion in a syntax error.

It is expected by this batch file that MyProgram.jar is in the same directory as the batch file itself. %~dp0 references the drive and path of the batch file. This string always ends with a backslash which is the reason why there is no backslash between %~dp0 and MyProgram.jar.

%~dp0MyProgram.jar is enclosed in double quotes because the user could have extracted your Java application and the batch file into a folder which name or path contains 1 or even more spaces.

%* references all arguments (parameters, options) passed to the batch file to forward them to your Java application.

For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.

  • call /? ... explains %~1, %~dp0, %dpn0 and %*
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • pause /?
  • rem /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?
  • title /?

Run jar with spring profile environment variable

The property server should be:

port: 9000

Instead of:


A space is missing between the colon and the value.

Also notice that configuring the profile as:

profiles: dev

is deprecated since 2.4.0 version and should be replaced with:

on-profile: dev

More info in the doc. Or a tutorial here.

Giving environment variables as arguments

Are you running this in a Unix shell? If so, I suspect you just want:

java -jar MyDev.jar -f ${PROJECT_HOME}/src/test

Using % is the Windows way of specifying environment variables - which doesn't appear to fit with a home directory of /home/jack...

How to pass system properties to a jar file

Pass the arguments before the -jar. If you pass them after the jar file they are interpreted as command line parameters and passed to the String[] args in main. Like,

java -Denviroment=dev -jar myjar.jar 

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