How to Exclude a Dependency from Parent'S Project in Maven

Is there anyway to exclude artifacts inherited from a parent POM?

Some ideas:

  1. Maybe you could simply not inherit from the parent in that case (and declare a dependency on base with the exclusion). Not handy if you have lot of stuff in the parent pom.

  2. Another thing to test would be to declare the mail artifact with the version required by ALL-DEPS under the dependencyManagement in the parent pom to force the convergence (although I'm not sure this will solve the scoping problem).

<version>???</version><!-- put the "right" version here -->
  1. Or you could exclude the mail dependency from log4j if you're not using the features relying on it (and this is what I would do):
  1. Or you could revert to the version 1.2.14 of log4j instead of the heretic 1.2.15 version (why didn't they mark the above dependencies as optional?!).

How to exclude a dependency from parent's project in Maven?

I think in Maven2 there is no way to achieve this, because this is what POM inheritance is for
. However there is one trick that I can think of:

Assume you have the right to upload artifact to your internal artifact repository. You may create an empty JAR, deploy it as log4j:log4j, with a obviously abnormal version (e.g. log4j:log4j:9999 ). Add such dependency in your project-child. Then it will override the dependency of parent to depends on a in-fact-empty JAR.

How to exclude the parent pom dependency inside inherited child dependency for Maven?

You can override the dependency's version using the dependencyManagement section:


This is an example of parent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




And this is an example of child that overwrite the dependency version:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



This are the dependencies resolved for the child

mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------------< test:test-child >---------------------------
[INFO] Building test-child 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:tree (default-cli) @ test-child ---
[INFO] test:test-child:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.25:compile
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.703 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-07-23T18:08:48+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Multi-module project: Exclude a dependency from the parent pom

The way I normally do this is by using a multi-level hierarchy of poms.

This means that instead of a single parent-pom with just one row of non-parent poms underneath it, I have an entire tree of parent poms consisting of a root-parent-pom with several levels of intermediate-parent-poms as its children, ending with the non-parent-poms as the leaves of the tree.

By adding intermediate parent-poms you can have the root parent only provide the dependencies that are truly used by all children, while intermediate poms can provide additional dependencies that are only used by their children but not by children of their siblings.

So, in your case, your root parent pom would declare all dependencies except cassandra, and it would have two children: your casandraless project, and your existing parent pom which would now become an intermediate parent pom and it would only declare the cassandra dependency. So, the children of the intermediate parent pom would inherit all the dependencies except cassandra from the root, and then cassandra from the intermediate parent pom.

I have tried this, it works very well.

It is true that there may theoretically exist situations that cannot be covered, because parent poms can only form a tree, and a tree is not a graph, but in practice I never came across a situation where I wanted to arrange my dependencies in such a way that this mechanism could not cover.

As an example, take a look at my public home projects, which I have rolled all together into one repository for the sake of more easily managing them: is the root pom. is an intermediate parent pom, is a child pom. (A leaf.)

Now, in my projects it just so happens that I only declare dependencies in the leaf poms, because my projects do not really depend on many external libraries. But I could be declaring dependencies in the root pom and in the intermediate parent poms if I wanted to, and their children would be inheriting them.

how to exclude parent dependency while including child

That is not possible.

You either need to include the parent POM into your Nexus or you can "flatten out" the parent POM by using the flatten maven plugin in the build of child2.

How to exclude a dependency coming from parent in POM file

Why not just skip the plugin executions?

You could set the skip parameter of both plugins to true.

How to exclude a maven dependency if in the parent project exists a newer version of it

One thing you can do is to manually exclude unwanted dependencies:


But that can get quite verbose.

It may help if you elaborate a bit more on the problem description as it is not clear to me what exactly are you trying to solve or achieve.

For instance if you include a dependency A which has a dependency B in version 1.0 and then you include B in your pom in 1.1 Maven will use only 1.1. I recommend reading up on it a bit here:

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