How to Pass Bundle With Arraylist from Fragment to Activity

How to pass bundle with ArrayList from Fragment to Activity

Did you implement the Parcelable object correctly?

After parceled, you can have different address object because object are recreated with that data.

Check out the Parcelable implementation of the Recipe object.

Passing ArrayList from Fragment class to Activity

Create an custom interface in your Fragment:

public interface OnFragmentInteractionListener {    
public void onFragmentSetStudents(ArrayList<Student>);

Implement this interface in your Activity:

public class YourActivity extends Activity implements YourFragment.OnFragmentInteractionListener {
private ArrayList<Student> allStudents;

Now you have to override the declared method (in your Activity):

public void onFragmentSetStudents(ArrayList<Student> students) {
allStudents = students;

Then you just have to start this method with an Listener in your Fragment:

OnFragmetInteractionListener listener = (OnFragmentInteractionListener) activity;

How to Pass Custom arraylist from fragment to activity

There are two different ways to send data from activity to fragment.
Pass data as the argument when you create using the factory method.

Through factory method:

public static SimpleFragment getInstance(Bundle bundle) {
SimpleFragment simpleFragment = new SimpleFragment();
return simpleFragment;

Through this method you can pass simple objects like string.

Still, you can pass some complex objects by converting that object into parseable.

     new Bundle().putParcelable("Key", ParcebleObject);

Through the interface

Using interface, you can pass almost any data.
Create an interface, in my case I create an interface called SomeEventListener.


public interface SomeEventListener {
public onSomeEventHappened(ArrayList<String> arrayListOfString);

Fragment class

public class SimpleFragment extends Fragment implement SomeEventHappened {
public interface onSomeEventListener {

private ArrayList<String> arrayList;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment2, null);

return v;

public onSomeEventHappened(ArrayList<String> arrayListOfString) {
this.arrayList = arrayListOfString;

In your file

 public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ArrayList<String> array = new ArrayList<>();
SimpleFragment fragment = new SimpleFragment();
SomeEventListener listener = fragment.getEventListener();

This will work for any kind of object.

How to pass custom object arraylist from activity to fragment with instance

Can you try ?

public static final NewCustomer newInstance(ArrayList<customers> mArrayList) {

NewCustomer f = new NewCustomer();
Bundle bdl = new Bundle(1); = mArrayList; // assign its Value
bdl.putParcelableArrayList(data, mArrayList);
return f;
} = mArrayList will assign value to the current member variable of fragment. Now it can we be accessed in current fragment.

Passing object array list between fragments in Android development

ArrayList<Transaction> transactionList = new ArrayList<>();

pass the transactionList to the bundle

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putSerializable("key", transactionList);

and in the receiving fragment

ArrayList<Transaction> transactionList = (ArrayList<Transaction>)getArguments().getSerializable("key");

NOTE: to pass your bean class via bundle you have to implement serializable i.e

YourBeanClass implements Serializable

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