Failed to Process Import Candidates for Configuration Class

Failed to process import candidates for configuration class

I just figure it out, I should have been using Spring Boot maven plugin instead. Now the build section of my pom.xml looks like:


I build the project with mvn clean package and then java -jar target/myproject.jar and it works like a charm.

Failed to process import candidates for configuration class [springfox.documentation.swagger2.configuration.Swagger2DocumentationConfiguration]

For the Spring Boot based projects, it's enough to add a single springfox-boot-starter dependency:


Failed to process import candidates for configuration class in spring

I figured it out!

So if you have a dependency that seems iffy, just delete it from maven and then go to the errors and autocorrect to find the maven dependencies, then use trial and error and find the correct one!

If no classes are showing up, then go on settings then to maven and there you should update your repositories

now my maven dependency that has changed looks like this:


BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to process import candidates for configuration class when deploying a JHipster monolithic app to Heroku

The important part of the error is:

 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'JDBC_DATABASE_URL' in value "${JDBC_DATABASE_URL}"

Heroku deployment could not inject the database properties into your application context and so it fails to start.

So, maybe you did not subscribe to jawsdb add-on or your did not register a payment method. There are few similar questions about this on stackoverflow

I suppose that you deployed using jhipster heroku as described in the doc:

Application startup failed - Failed to process import candidates for configuration class

I think you should use spring-boot-starter-parent in parent tag. And should remove whole dependencyManagement block.

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