In Java, How to Combine Two Json Arrays of Objects

In Java, how can I combine two JSON arrays of objects?

You really have only two choices: parse the JSON (which invariably would involve constructing the objects) or don't parse the JSON. Not parsing is going to be cheaper, of course.

At first glance your idea about treating it as a String-manipulation problem might sound fragile, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to make fine sense. For error detection you could easily confirm that you were really dealing with arrays by checking for the square brackets; after that, just stripping off the ending bracket, adding a comma, stripping off the beginning bracket, and adding the "tail" should work flawlessly. The only exception I can think of is if either array is empty, you should just return the other String unchanged; again, that's very easy to check for as a String.

I really don't think there's any reason to make it more complex than that.

how to merge json array using java?

Try below code, This will give your desired result.

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
JSONArray jsonArray1 = new JSONArray();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray1.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray1.getJSONObject(i);
} catch (JSONException e) {

Now use jsonArray which is having all merged jsonObject

Merge values of two JSON Array into a JSONObject java

Let's combine both array using RxJava

JSONArray combinedArray = new JSONArray();

List<Integer> idList = Arrays.asList(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
List<Integer> timestampList = Arrays.asList(122402538, 12240345, 122496, 122617, 1227473, 1228495);

final int[] counter = {0}; // assuming your both array are of same size.
.map(id -> {
JSONObject singleObject = new JSONObject();
singleObject.put("id:", id);
singleObject.put("timestamp:", timestampList.get(counter[0]));
return Observable.just(combinedArray);
.toList() //jsonArrayObservable is observable json array, if you want to your later on
.doOnSuccess(jsonArrayObservable -> Log.d("jsonArrayObservable -> ", combinedArray.toString()))


 jsonArrayObservable -> :[{"id:":6,"timestamp:":122402538},{"id:":7,"timestamp:":12240345},{"id:":8,"timestamp:":122496},{"id:":9,"timestamp:":122617},{"id:":10,"timestamp:":1227473},{"id:":11,"timestamp:":1228495}]

UPDATE without support of java 8

.map(new Function<Integer, Object>() {
public Object apply(Integer id) throws Exception {
JSONObject singleObject = new JSONObject();
singleObject.put("id:", id);
singleObject.put("timestamp:", timestampList.get(counter[0]));
return Observable.just(combinedArray);
.toList() //jsonArrayObservable is observable json array, if you want to your later on
.doOnSuccess(jsonArrayObservable -> Log.d("jsonArrayObservable -> ", combinedArray.toString()))


enter image description here

Merge two JSONs to JSONObject instead of JSONArray

I prefer and recommend use Gson from Google:

The last release is 2.8.6 from Oct of 2019:


Always check last version on Maven Central Repository:



public static void mergeJSONs() {
String JSON1 = "{\"1level1\":{\"1level2\":{\"1label1\":\"1value1\"}}}";
String JSON2 = "{\"1level1\":{\"1level2\":{\"1label2\":\"1value2\"}}}";
String JSON3 = "{\"2level1\":{\"2level2\":{\"2level3\":{\"2label1\":\"2value1\"}}}}";
String JSON4 = "{\"2level1\":{\"2level2\":{\"2label2\":\"2value2\"}}}";
String finalJson = organizeJson(JSON1, JSON2, JSON3, JSON4);

The method can receive a list of json payloads, add a root element and merge:

public String organizeJson(String... jsonList) throws Exception {
JsonObject jsonObj = null;
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
for (String json : jsonList) {
if (jsonObj != null) {
jsonObj = jsonMerge(jsonObj, gson.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class));
} else {
jsonObj = gson.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class);
JsonObject jsonStringsRoot = new JsonObject();
/* Add "strings" as root element */
jsonStringsRoot.add("strings", jsonObj);
return gson.toJson(jsonStringsRoot);

Method using recursive call to find the last level on nested objects (deep merge):

public static JsonObject jsonMerge(JsonObject jsonA, JsonObject jsonB) throws Exception {
for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> sourceEntry : jsonA.entrySet()) {
String key = sourceEntry.getKey();
JsonElement value = sourceEntry.getValue();
if (!jsonB.has(key)) {
if (!value.isJsonNull()) {
jsonB.add(key, value);
} else {
if (!value.isJsonNull()) {
if (value.isJsonObject()) {
jsonMerge(value.getAsJsonObject(), jsonB.get(key).getAsJsonObject());
} else {
jsonB.add(key, value);
} else {
return jsonB;



Recursively merging two JSON objects with different levels same key

I would say your .map() attempt is going into the right direction, and also your hunch that you need recursion. What works is

function mergeById(r1, r2) {
return{item_guid, sub_items,}) => Object.assign(
r2.find(_ => _.item_guid === item_guid),
{sub_items: mergeById(sub_items, r2)}

const r1 = [{item_guid: "5c2000c1-abc8-4d6f-85de-b8b223a42a2f", item_id: 1, parent_item_id: null, description: "1", sub_items: [{item_guid: "bd7c2ba3-268b-49f6-98fb-34486a3e1449", item_id: 10, parent_item_id: 1, description: "1.1", sub_items: []}, {item_guid: "80e073e0-2aa8-422a-9f28-51747f146bd8", item_id: 12, parent_item_id: 1, description: "1.2", sub_items: [{item_guid: "f97af55c-c90e-46c2-b56e-e854ff36e1e3", item_id: 78, parent_item_id: 12, description: "1.2.1", sub_items: []}, {item_guid: "28469fa4-2c1c-4f2a-9250-7460a74cc30a", item_id: 79, parent_item_id: 12, description: "1.2.2", sub_items: [{item_guid: "f97af55c-c90e-46c2-b56e-e854ff36e1e9", item_id: 80, parent_item_id: 12, description: "", sub_items: []}]}]}, {item_guid: "846daeab-edd4-4cf2-8f12-8d7231c697e3", item_id: 13, parent_item_id: 1, description: "1.3", sub_items: []}]}]
const r2 = [{item_guid: "bd7c2ba3-268b-49f6-98fb-34486a3e1449", mandatory: "True", comment: "Item cross-reference 1.1"}, {item_guid: "f97af55c-c90e-46c2-b56e-e854ff36e1e3", mandatory: "True", comment: "Item cross-reference 1.2.1"}, {item_guid: "f97af55c-c90e-46c2-b56e-e854ff36e1e9", mandatory: "True", comment: "Item cross-reference"}]

console.log(mergeById(r1, r2))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}

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