How to Find the Longest Word in a Given String

How can I find the longest word in a string?

You can use max on the splitted string with key as len:

max_word = max(string.split(), key=len)

You can also correct your code to:

string = input("Please enter a string ")

max_word = ''
for word in string.split():
if len(word) > len(max_word):
max_word = word


Program to find the longest word in a string

Using goto is highly discouraged. You should convert your code to use a loop.

The main problem in your code is you do not stop the scan when you reach the end of the string.

Here is a modified version:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
char string[100] = "Hello Kurnool";
int i, letters, longest = 0, longest_pos = 0;

for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
for (letters = 0; string[i] != '\0' && string[i] != ' '; i++) {
if (letters > longest) {
longest = letters;
longest_pos = i - longest;
printf("longest word: %d letters, '%.*s'\n",
longest, longest, string + longest_pos);

return 0;

Note that the implementation can be simplified into a single loop:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
char string[100] = "Hello Kurnool";
int i, start = 0, longest = 0, longest_pos = 0;

for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (string[i] == ' ') {
start = i + 1;
} else {
if (i - start > longest) {
longest = i - start;
longest_pos = start;
printf("longest word: %d letters, '%.*s'\n",
longest, longest, string + longest_pos);

return 0;

Return the longest word in a string

Loop through the words and If the current word have more length than previous word,then make longest word as current word.So at the end you will get longest word.

public class Longest {
public static String longWord(String[] words) {
//assume initially the longest word is an empty String
String longestWord = "";
//loop through each word
for (String word: words) {
//check if the each items length with previous largest length
if (word.length() > longestWord.length()) {
//make longest word as current if it matches the condition
longestWord = word;
//return the longest word,if word array is empty it return empty String
return longestWord;

Or Use the Array sort method to find the largest element as follows

public class Longest {
public static String longWord(String[] word) {
//sort the array based on the length,So that
// largest element will be at the end of the array
Arrays.sort(word, Comparator.comparing(String::length));
//return the last element
return word[word.length-1];

Julia: How to find the longest word in a given string?

You can use regex too. It only needs a slight change from @Bogumil's answer:

julia> function LongestWord2(sen::AbstractString)
words = matchall(r"\w+", sen)
LongestWord2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> LongestWord2("Hello, how are you? nested, punctuation?")

This way you get rid of the punctuations and get the raw word back.

To consolidate the comments here's some further explanation:

matchall() takes a regex, in this case r"\w+" which matches word like substrings, so letters, numbers and lowercases and returns an array of strings that match the regex.

length.() is using the combination of the length function and . which broadcasts the operation across all elements of the array. So we're counting the length of each array element (word).

Findmax() returns a tuple of length 2 where the 2 argument gives us the index of the maximum element. I use this to subset the words array and return the longest word.

How do I find the longest words in a string?

Then you have to use a collection of these longestWords, e.g.

  ArrayList<String> longestWords = new ArrayList<String>();
int longestWordLength = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++) {
if (sentence[i].length() > longestWordLength) { // longer
longestWordLength = sentence[i].length();
else if (sentence[i].length() == longestWordLength) { // same length

for (int i = 0; i < longestWords.size(); ++i)

How to find the longest word in a string without using split method

I've split this problem into two parts:

  1. Use find to create the list of words.

  2. Find the longest word in the list.

def plus_long(ch):

letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
words = ['']
for v in ch:
if letters.find(v.lower()) != -1: # Use find to check if the character is part of the alphabet
words[-1] += v # If so, add that character to the last string in the list
words.append('') # Else, start a new string

result = "" # Check which string is the longest
for word in words:
if len(word) > len(result):
result = word

return result


>>> plus_long("Hello!!!!!!!!!!! How are you? I am exhausted.")



I see that the other answers don't put punctuation into account, so that using their functions, the result would be 'Hello!!!!!!!!!!!'.

Finding the longest word ArrayList /Java

The fact is that you can't tell what the biggest word until you have iterated the whole list.

So iterate on the list

  • if word is bigger than previous largest size : clear list and save word
  • if word has same size as largest size : save word
  • if word is smaller : nothing
List<String> wordsList = Arrays.asList(
"december", "california", "cat",
"implementation", "incremntation");

int maxLength = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

List<String> largestStrings = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : wordsList) {
if (s.length() > maxLength) {
maxLength = s.length();
} else if (s.length() == maxLength) {

if (largestStrings.size() > 1) {
System.out.println("More than one longest word");
} else {
System.out.println(largestStrings.get(0) + " is the longest word");


More than one longest word
[implementation, incrementation]

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