The Import Org.Junit Cannot Be Resolved

The import org.junit cannot be resolved

You need to add JUnit library to the classpath of your project. There are several choices to achieve it depending on your development setup.

  1. Command line: In the case of command-line invocations, you will have to add junit.jar to the classpath of your application with java -cp /path/to/junit.jar. Take a look at the answers here.

  2. Using eclipse: Eclipse distributions are bundled with this library and this is how you can use it for your project. Right-click on the eclipse project and navigate:

Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add Library -> JUnit ->
JUnit 3/4

In the scenarios where you want to use a different version of the jar, instead of clicking on Add Library above, you should click on Add External Jar and locate the library on the file system.

The import org.junit.jupiter cannot be resolved

There were 2 main issues with this configuration:

  • JUnit 4 dependency jar was used while in the source code imports from JUnit 5 API were used

  • Tests resided in the same location as sources, while the dependencies defined via Gradle/Maven for tests limit the scope to src/test/java roots.

In a non-Gradle project the issue was fixed by adding the proper JUnit 5 dependencies to the module.

In the Gradle project the issue was fixed by moving the test class from src/main/java to src/test/java.

Sample Gradle project is available on GitHub.

More details about using JUnit 5 can be found in the official documentation.

Why does vscode not recognize the import org.junit?

Try this VS Code command...

View -> Command Palette -> Java: Clean Java Language Server Workspace

This command resolved my similar issue with VS Code not recognizing import org.json.* inside the .java files of a Gradle project even though Gradle would build and run successfully. This VS Code command is similar to IntelliJ's File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart in that it forces a refresh of the IDE's cache of available tokens and identifiers.

Side Notes:

  • Make sure to have run your build tool (e.g. gradle build or mvn install) at least once so that the required packages are downloaded to your local computer so VS Code can find them.
  • This command comes with the VS Code extension "Language Support for Java" from Red Hat ( which comes bundled in the "Java Extension Pack" from Microsoft (vscjava.vscode-java-pack). You'll have to have one of these extensions installed to use it.

Java JUnit The import org cannot be resolved

You are using a

You have three options:

  1. If you don't need the module system's features, simply remove the
  2. Make sure that the junit jars are on the modulepath and you have matching requires statements in your
  3. As having test dependencies in the is a bad idea, you can leave the junit jars on the classpath, but create a separate test source folder (e.g. src-tests and make sure to configure the setting Contains test sources; see; it will need with a separate output folder, e.g. bin-tests) and move your tests there.
    (Wenn compiling test sources in a named module, eclipse implicitely adds --add-reads=ALL-UNNAMED, as maven does)

(Also just to be sure check that you are using the package names from junit 5 and not from junit 4.)

Eclipse - org.junit cannot be resolved, even though it's in the Maven dependencies

The problem could be related to the thing how non-modular jars are managed in Java 9. The automatic modules are created for every non-modular java application which doesn't have support for Java 9 and their name is created based on the name of the non-modular jar. In order to fix that, could you please add "requires junit" to your

requires junit;

org.junit.test is not accessible in eclipse

Your line 2

import static org.juni

Is 1) incorrect, and 2) not terminated with a ; (semicolon). So the compiler assumes your line 4 is a continuation of this broken one, which is still an error.

In all likelihood, you want your line 2 to be:

import static org.junit.Assert.*; 

Import cannot be resolved (Junit)

assertEquals isn't a class but a methods so you have to option :

import org.junit.Assert;

and calls Assert.assertEquals

or use :

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

and call : assertEquals

Even after adding JUnit to Eclipse's build path and using import static org.junit.Assert.*, still getting cannot be resolved to error

I was able to solve it by performing the following steps:
1. Go to JRE System Library
2. Right Click and go to Properties.
3. Check your Environments

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