Convert to Int from String of Numbers Having Comma

How to parse number string containing commas into an integer in java?

Is this comma a decimal separator or are these two numbers? In the first case you must provide Locale to NumberFormat class that uses comma as decimal separator:


This results in 265.858. But using US locale you'll get 265858:


That's because in France they treat comma as decimal separator while in US - as grouping (thousand) separator.

If these are two numbers - String.split() them and parse two separate strings independently.

convert string numbers separated by comma to integers or floats in python

You want to split the string

total = 0
for i in s.split(','):
i = float(i) #using float because you don't only have integers
total += i

Convert.ToInt32() a string with Commas

You could use int.Parse and add the NumberStyles.AllowThousands flag:

int num = int.Parse(toParse, NumberStyles.AllowThousands);

Or int.TryParse letting you know if the operation succeeded:

int num;
if (int.TryParse(toParse, NumberStyles.AllowThousands,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num))
// parse successful, use 'num'

I want to execute code every X seconds, but handler.postDelayed not working

I've solved it, I had to put it in the oncreate method. Because if you put it in the onSensorChanged it will be executed every time the data changes. So if you execute the data outside of the onSensorChanged, it will be executed only once which will make sure it doesn't infinitely update every .5 ms.

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