Override Default Spring-Boot Application.Properties Settings in Junit Test

Override default Spring-Boot application.properties settings in Junit Test

You can use @TestPropertySource to override values in application.properties. From its javadoc:

test property sources can be used to selectively override properties defined in system and application property sources

For example:

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = ExampleApplication.class)
public class ExampleApplicationTests {


Spring Boot: How to override default properties in Unit tests

You can use @ActiveProfiles("test"). This will set the application-test.yml properties into test environment.

public class TestconfigApplicationTests {

If we need to target different environments, there’s a build-in mechanism for that in Boot so there is no need for additional libraries or refactorings.

We can simply define an application-environment.properties file in the src/main/resources directory – and then set a Spring profile with the same environment name.

For example, if we define a staging or test environment, that means we’ll have to define a staging or test profile and then application-staging.properties or application-test.properties.

This env file will be loaded and will take precedence over the default property file which is application.properties. Note that the default file will still be loaded, it’s just that when there is a property collision the environment specific property file takes precedence, meaning the properties specified in application-staging.properties or application-test.properties will override the ones in application.properties.

Each test class uses its own profile, so you need to specify the active profile for each class.

One additional thing that might be of interest for you is that you can mock services via configuration classes

public class EntityServiceMockProvider {

public EntityService entityService() {
EntityService mockedEntityService = Mockito.mock(EntityService.class);

Entity entity= Mockito.mock(Entity.class);

return mockedEntityService ;

In test classes you can use multiple active profiles:
e.g. @ActiveProfiles({"test", "mockEntityService"})

so instead of using the real implementation of the EntityService you will use the mocked implementation.

Override default spring boot application.properties with application.properties through cmd dynamically

There's a couple ways of doing this, but one way I can think of is to use externalized application properties file. See https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-external-config-files for more specific details.

You would have your application.properties (under src/main/resources) with the default property cronExpression. But when you invoke the JAR, you could pass in a system property to tell Spring where an additional properties file is with possible overrides for that cronExpression property.

java -jar <jar_name> -Dspring.config.additional-location=my-other-file.properties

Spring Test : why cannot access application.properties?

If you also add a application.properties file inside src/test/resources, this will "override" the one in src/main/resources, and hence none of the keys you define in your "production" properties file will be seen.

So either remove your application.properties in src/test/resources to use your property file in src/main/resources or define your values there.

Add environment property to @SpringBootTest before application.properties evaluation?

You can use Spring Framework's @DynamicPropertySource for this purpose. It's described in this blog post.

In the case of MyWebTest, the dynamic property source would look something like this:

static void mockPortProperty(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
registry.add("mockPort", () -> PORT);

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