What Does the "Assert" Keyword Do

What does the Java assert keyword do, and when should it be used?

Assertions (by way of the assert keyword) were added in Java 1.4. They are used to verify the correctness of an invariant in the code. They should never be triggered in production code, and are indicative of a bug or misuse of a code path. They can be activated at run-time by way of the -ea option on the java command, but are not turned on by default.

An example:

public Foo acquireFoo(int id) {
Foo result = null;
if (id > 50) {
result = fooService.read(id);
} else {
result = new Foo(id);
assert result != null;

return result;

What does the assert keyword do?

If you launch your program with -enableassertions (or -ea for short) then this statement

assert cond;

is equivalent to

if (!cond)
throw new AssertionError();

If you launch your program without this option, the assert statement will have no effect.

For example, assert d >= 0 && d <= s.length();, as posted in your question, is equivalent to

if (!(d >= 0 && d <= s.length()))
throw new AssertionError();

(If you launched with -enableassertions that is.)

Formally, the Java Language Specification: 14.10. The assert Statement says the following:

14.10. The assert Statement

An assertion is an assert statement containing a boolean expression. An assertion is either enabled or disabled. If the assertion is enabled, execution of the assertion causes evaluation of the boolean expression and an error is reported if the expression evaluates to false. If the assertion is disabled, execution of the assertion has no effect whatsoever.

Where "enabled or disabled" is controlled with the -ea switch and "An error is reported" means that an AssertionError is thrown.

And finally, a lesser known feature of assert:

You can append : "Error message" like this:

assert d != null : "d is null";

to specify what the error message of the thrown AssertionError should be.

This post has been rewritten as an article here.

What does the assert statement do?

You are obviously using Selenium together with Python. Anyway, the assert keyword can be found in many programming languages.

For a language independent explanation of assert, have a look at Wikipedia:

In computer programming, specifically when using the imperative programming paradigm, an assertion is a predicate (a Boolean-valued function over the state space, usually expressed as a logical proposition using the variables of a program) connected to a point in the program, that always should evaluate to true at that point in code execution. Assertions can help a programmer read the code, help a compiler compile it, or help the program detect its own defects.

For the latter, some programs check assertions by actually evaluating the predicate as they run. Then, if it is not in fact true – an assertion failure –, the program considers itself to be broken and typically deliberately crashes or throws an assertion failure exception.

The official Python documentation for assert can be found here:


assert is in fact not a function, but a statement. It is a check that a certain condition holds. If not, the program will fail to run in some way. In the Python case, an AssertionError will be raised:

if __debug__:
if not expression: raise AssertionError

More specifically, the assertion in your question will fail if Python can not be found in the title of the http://www.python.org page.

what does the keyword assert means in java?

The assert keyword, as the name implies, makes an assertion about the code. It is used to specify something that holds true all the time -- or that, at least, should be true!

The assert keyword is followed by a boolean value (true or false), or an expression, to be evaluated at runtime, that returns a boolean.

assert true;
assert 1 == 1;

If, for any reason, the boolean expression evaluates to false, then an AssertionError is thrown.

// this will throw an AssertionError:
int x = 1;
assert x == 2;

When you use it, you make a clear statement about the state of your program on a given point, which can make it easier for readers to follow through your code.

There's a programming paradigm called program by contract, in which pieces of code make statements about the pre-conditions that must hold true for them to execute properly, and the post-conditions, that are guaranteed to hold true after their execution. You can use the assert keyword to implement this.

For example, if you write a method that calculates the square root of a number, it will only work for numbers that are greater than or equal to zero, and the result is guaranteed to satisfy the same conditions:

public double sqrt(final double x) {
assert x >= 0 : "Cannot calculate the square root of a negative number!"
double result = ...;
assert result >= 0 : "Something went wrong when calculating the square root!"
return result;

The most interesting aspect of assertions is that you can ask the compiler to remove them from the bytecode (by means of the -disableassertion argument), so that you won't get any kind of performance penalty at runtime on production. For this precise reason, it is of fundamental importance that the expression to be evaluate does not cause side-effects, that is, the expression should look like a pure mathematical function. Otherwise, the behavior of your program could change if the compiler removed your assertions.

Finally, if the assertions are compiled into the bytecode, they can be read by a software that will automatically generate tests that will try to break your code. It can be useful to find bugs earlier!

What is the use of assert in Python?

The assert statement exists in almost every programming language. It has two main uses:

  1. It helps detect problems early in your program, where the cause is clear, rather than later when some other operation fails. A type error in Python, for example, can go through several layers of code before actually raising an Exception if not caught early on.

  2. It works as documentation for other developers reading the code, who see the assert and can confidently say that its condition holds from now on.

When you do...

assert condition

... you're telling the program to test that condition, and immediately trigger an error if the condition is false.

In Python, it's roughly equivalent to this:

if not condition:
raise AssertionError()

Try it in the Python shell:

>>> assert True # nothing happens
>>> assert False
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Assertions can include an optional message, and you can disable them when running the interpreter.

To print a message if the assertion fails:

assert False, "Oh no! This assertion failed!"

Do not use parenthesis to call assert like a function. It is a statement. If you do assert(condition, message) you'll be running the assert with a (condition, message) tuple as first parameter.

As for disabling them, when running python in optimized mode, where __debug__ is False, assert statements will be ignored. Just pass the -O flag:

python -O script.py

See here for the relevant documentation.

Correct use Java assert keyword

Not in this case.

If you're asserting a value, you're making a statement that, before some critical evaluation is done using this value, that it is what you assert it to be. You can assert that the value isn't null, or that it's less than 2, or something before you reach your critical code block.

assert (mode >= 0 && mode < 2);  // Ensures that `mode` is between 0 and 1.
// Switch statement to follow

I would not encourage the use of that here. Your code would not read well, and unless you enable assertions with the -ea flag, your assertion would not work.

Instead, what you can do is throw an exception of some kind - if it's not 0 or 1, then the mode is an illegal value which cannot be processed, leading to exceptional/undefined behavior. Throw an exception of some kind.

switch(mode) {
case 0:
// do stuff
case 1:
// do other stuff
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode is illegal");

What assert do in dart?

Main purpose of assert is testing conditions during debugging/development.

Let's think about a real example:

class Product {
required this.id,
required this.name,
required this.price,
}) : assert(id > 0),
assert(price > 0.0);

final int id;
final String name;
final double price;
final String? size;
final String? image;
final int? weight;

We have a Product class and fields like id, name and price are mandatory but other fields can be handled by generic values as you guess. By asserting required fields, you'll test this data class during debugging/development. Keep in the mind, all asserts ignored in release/production mode;

From the dart.dev#assert:

In production code, assertions are ignored, and the arguments to assert aren’t evaluated.

Comparing to writing tests, even though they are not the same thing, asserts can be very handy with minimal effort, so be generous for writing asserts especially if you don't write tests, it usually rewards you.

Additionally, since constants like kDebugMode, kReleaseMode are part of package:flutter/foundation.dart, another use case is debugMode specific codes in Non-Flutter applications. Let's have a look this code:

bool get isDebugMode {
bool value = false;
assert(() {
value = true;
//you can execute debug-specific codes here
return true;
return value;

At first it may look confusing but it's a tricky but simple code. An anonymous closure always returns true, so we don't throw any error in any case. Since compiler eliminates the assert statements in release mode, that closure only run in debug mode and mutate the value variable.

Similarly, you can throw in only debug, from Flutter source code:

void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) {
int i = this.length;
for (E element in iterable) {
assert(this.length == i || (throw ConcurrentModificationError(this)));

That means, it throws only in debug mode, intended for usage in testing your logic.

Nullable Example

For the versions of Dart before 2.12, your typical example should be look like this:

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

class Product {
final int id;
final String name;
final int price;
final String size;
final String image;
final int weight;

const Product({
@required this.id,
@required this.name,
@required this.price,
}) : assert(id != null && name != null && price != null);

What is the assert function?

assert will terminate the program (usually with a message quoting the assert statement) if its argument turns out to be false. It's commonly used during debugging to make the program fail more obviously if an unexpected condition occurs.

For example:

assert(length >= 0);  // die if length is negative.

You can also add a more informative message to be displayed if it fails like so:

assert(length >= 0 && "Whoops, length can't possibly be negative! (didn't we just check 10 lines ago?) Tell jsmith");

Or else like this:

assert(("Length can't possibly be negative! Tell jsmith", length >= 0));

When you're doing a release (non-debug) build, you can also remove the overhead of evaluating assert statements by defining the NDEBUG macro, usually with a compiler switch. The corollary of this is that your program should never rely on the assert macro running.

// BAD


// Watch out! Depends on the function:

// Here's a safer way:
int ret = foo();

From the combination of the program calling abort() and not being guaranteed to do anything, asserts should only be used to test things that the developer has assumed rather than, for example, the user entering a number rather than a letter (which should be handled by other means).

Assert keyword in Java

Assert will throw a runtime error (AssertionError) if its condition is false. Asserts give you a streamlined way of documenting, checking, and enforcing correctness criteria for your code. The benefits are a language-level hook for defining and manipulating these correctness conditions. To the extent that you wish to enable or disable them (there are arguments about whether or not this is a good idea) you can do so from the JVM command-line. Some commenters below note that assertions are disabled by default unless running in debug mode; my practice is to add "-ea" (enable assertions) in my wrapper scripts at all times. Even in performance sensitive code, for me the tradeoff weighs in favor of the security/correctness confidence I get from assertions. Assertions at Oracle and API Description for AssertionError

Note the distinction between expected or unexpected failures (exceptions), which may be outside your control, and assertion failures -- assertion failures document programmer assumptions, and indicate an incorrect program rather than an unexpected external condition or expected exceptional condition. If an assertion failure occurs, the interpretation is that the programmer has misunderstood or incorrectly expressed the program, rather than other sources of error or failure.

In practice, I use it to document obvious or non-obvious assumptions I make and invariants which I want to enforce as I produce (particularly private/internal) code, making it clear to myself and others why these assumptions are made, where they are made, and whether or not they are validated. Much better than comments to the same effect. This is a (small) step toward Design by Contract.

Effective Java item #38 "Check Parameters for Validity" (Google Books, Amazon.com) provides a useful presentation of the distinction between parameter checking and appropriate use of assertions.

Related on SO: (Enabling assertions in netbeans), (Assertions vs. Exceptions), (Near duplicate, asking for examples), (Badly named, but very similar content)

What is “assert” in JavaScript?

There is no standard assert in JavaScript itself. Perhaps you're using some library that provides one; for instance, if you're using Node.js, perhaps you're using the assertion module. (Browsers and other environments that offer a console implementing the Console API provide console.assert.)

The usual meaning of an assert function is to throw an error if the expression passed into the function is false; this is part of the general concept of assertion checking. Usually assertions (as they're called) are used only in "testing" or "debug" builds and stripped out of production code.

Suppose you had a function that was supposed to always accept a string. You'd want to know if someone called that function with something that wasn't a string (without having a type checking layer like TypeScript or Flow). So you might do:

assert(typeof argumentName === "string");

...where assert would throw an error if the condition were false.

A very simple version would look like this:

function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
throw message || "Assertion failed";

Better yet, make use of the Error object, which has the advantage of collecting a stack trace and such:

function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed");

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