Declaring and Initializing Variables Within Java Switches

Declaring and initializing variables within Java switches

Switch statements are odd in terms of scoping, basically. From section 6.3 of the JLS:

The scope of a local variable declaration in a block (§14.4) is the rest of the block in which the declaration appears, starting with its own initializer and including any further declarators to the right in the local variable declaration statement.

In your case, case 2 is in the same block as case 1 and appears after it, even though case 1 will never execute... so the local variable is in scope and available for writing despite you logically never "executing" the declaration. (A declaration isn't really "executable" although initialization is.)

If you comment out the value = 2; assignment, the compiler still knows which variable you're referring to, but you won't have gone through any execution path which assigns it a value, which is why you get an error as you would when you try to read any other not-definitely-assigned local variable.

I would strongly recommend you not to use local variables declared in other cases - it leads to highly confusing code, as you've seen. When I introduce local variables in switch statements (which I try to do rarely - cases should be very short, ideally) I usually prefer to introduce a new scope:

case 1: {
int value = 1;
case 2: {
int value = 2;

I believe this is clearer.

Java switch : variable declaration and scope

The scope is, just as usual, delimited by { and }.

Why can't I initialize a variable inside a switch in Java?

Contrary to other replies, you do not need to initialize month at declaration.

The problem is that if the textmonth is none of the literal values, the execution will fall to the default case, where month does not get initialized.

You could initialize it to an invalid value, say 0 in the default case, but perhaps a better option is to give an error message and abort execution.

Local variables in Java switch control

The key point is that the default case means: no other case was taken.

The switch construct allows you to have local variables within its overall scope, but still each "read" must see a prior "write".

And the compiler can easily detect that the default case didn't see a initialization for b.

Beyond that, the reason why you can have such assignments in different cases is: the overall switch statement only has one "switch block".

See the Java Language Spec for further details!

Using variables, initialized in a switch-statement, outside

Add a default case to catch any input that isn't recognized. In your case, this could throw a RuntimeException, since something is wrong with your code if this case is reached.

throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected operation: " + randomChar);

The error you are getting means that there is a code path that fails to initialize ans. Do not take the easy way out and initialize ans with a meaningless value when it is declared! That will just hide this valuable warning about a real problem with your code.

Variable's scope in a switch case

I'll repeat what others have said: the scope of the variables in each case clause corresponds to the whole switch statement. You can, however, create further nested scopes with braces as follows:

int key = 2;
switch (key) {
case 1: {
String str = "1";
return str;
case 2: {
String str = "2";
return str;

The resulting code will now compile successfully since the variable named str in each case clause is in its own scope.

How does java scope declarations in switch case statements?

Declarations aren't "run" - they're not something that needs to execute, they just tell the compiler the type of a variable. (An initializer would run, but that's fine - you're not trying to read from the variable before assigning a value to it.)

Scoping within switch statements is definitely odd, but basically the variable declared in the first case is still in scope in the second case.

From section 6.3 of the JLS:

The scope of a local variable declaration in a block (§14.4) is the rest of the block in which the declaration appears, starting with its own initializer and including any further declarators to the right in the local variable declaration statement.

Unless you create extra blocks, the whole switch statement is one block. If you want a new scope for each case, you can use braces:

case 1: {
int y = 7;
case 2: {
int y = 5;

can I declare variables with the same name in every Case branch of a Switch-Case?

You need to move your variable declaration outside the switch block as next:

Example<?> ex;
switch (ch) {
case 1:
ex = new Example<Integer>();
case 2:
ex = new Example<Float>();
case 3:
ex = new Example<String>();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + ch);

As you mixed several types that have nothing in common, you have to use the wildcard for unknown type.

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