How Does Java's System.Exit() Work with Try/Catch/Finally Blocks

How does Java's System.exit() work with try/catch/finally blocks?

No. System.exit(0) doesn't return, and the finally block is not executed.

System.exit(int) can throw a SecurityException. If that happens, the finally block will be executed. And since the same principal is calling the same method from the same code base, another SecurityException is likely to be thrown from the second call.

Here's an example of the second case:


public class Main

public static void main(String... argv)
throws Exception
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager() {

public void checkPermission(Permission perm)
/* Allow everything else. */

public void checkExit(int status)
/* Don't allow exit with any status code. */
throw new SecurityException();

System.err.println("I'm dying!");
try {
} finally {
System.err.println("I'm not dead yet!");


Call return statement or System.exit on try or catch block

What will happen if one calls a return statement or System.exit on try
or catch block ?

Will finally block execute?

In the case of a return, Yes. If you want the gory details, they are specified in JLS section 14.20.2.

(Note that in the JLS terminology, a return counts as an abrupt termination. But that doesn't matter, because when you analyse the spec carefully, you will see that the finally gets executed for both normal and abrupt terminations.)

In the case of a System.exit(), No. The call to the exit method never returns, and it doesn't throw an exception either. Therefore the "enclosing" finally clauses for the thread never get executed.

(In JLS parlance, the exit() call doesn't "terminate" at all. It conceptually the same as a method going into an infinite loop that (magically) doesn't use any CPU time. All of the activity associated with JVM shutdown happens on other threads.)

Should I use System.exit(1) when catching an application-stopping Exception?

If you expect someone else to run your program, and they rely on the process status code to know if your program has succeeded or failed, then you should use System.exit(1);

Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. The argument
serves as a status code; by convention, a nonzero status code
indicates abnormal termination.

Does a finally block always get executed in Java?

Yes, finally will be called after the execution of the try or catch code blocks.

The only times finally won't be called are:

  1. If you invoke System.exit()
  2. If you invoke Runtime.getRuntime().halt(exitStatus)
  3. If the JVM crashes first
  4. If the JVM reaches an infinite loop (or some other non-interruptable, non-terminating statement) in the try or catch block
  5. If the OS forcibly terminates the JVM process; e.g., kill -9 <pid> on UNIX
  6. If the host system dies; e.g., power failure, hardware error, OS panic, et cetera
  7. If the finally block is going to be executed by a daemon thread and all other non-daemon threads exit before finally is called

Does a finally block always get executed in Java?

Yes, finally will be called after the execution of the try or catch code blocks.

The only times finally won't be called are:

  1. If you invoke System.exit()
  2. If you invoke Runtime.getRuntime().halt(exitStatus)
  3. If the JVM crashes first
  4. If the JVM reaches an infinite loop (or some other non-interruptable, non-terminating statement) in the try or catch block
  5. If the OS forcibly terminates the JVM process; e.g., kill -9 <pid> on UNIX
  6. If the host system dies; e.g., power failure, hardware error, OS panic, et cetera
  7. If the finally block is going to be executed by a daemon thread and all other non-daemon threads exit before finally is called

Try-catch-finally in java

The only time a finally block will not be executed is when you call exit() before finally is reached. The exit() call will shutdown the JVM, so no subsequent line of code will be run.

EDIT: This is not entirely correct. See the comments below for additional information.

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