Group a List of Objects by an Attribute

Group a list of objects by an attribute

This will add the students object to the HashMap with locationID as key.

HashMap<Integer, List<Student>> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Student>>();

Iterate over this code and add students to the HashMap:

if (!hashMap.containsKey(locationId)) {
List<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();

hashMap.put(locationId, list);
} else {

If you want all the student with particular location details then you can use this:


which will get you all the students with the same the location ID.

using java 8 to group list of object by object attribute of type list: JAVA

Take a look here and here

This code fragment create 3 users, like in your example.

    var users = Arrays.asList(
new User("1", Arrays.asList("10", "20", "30")),
new User("2", Arrays.asList("10", "50")),
new User("3", Arrays.asList("10", "80")));

Map<String, Long> result = users
.flatMap(user -> user.getBrand_ids().stream())
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));

// Result is: {80=1, 50=1, 30=1, 20=1, 10=3}

How to group objects in a list with object property in Java

If we can return a Map<String, List<Item>>, where the key is the team and the value is a List<Item> belonging to that team, we can use

final Map<String, List<Item>> itemsByTeam = ->;

Ideone demo

Remark: This solution was first posted in a comment by another user and they deleted the comment shortly after. I do not remember the user's name. If they post an answer, I will delete mine. If they do not want to post an answer, but contact me, I will credit them by name.

A comment on the code: I would recommend to introduce getters for the attributes since the stream-operation is most likely to be called outside of class Item itself, hence attribute team will not be visible. Also, this would lead to an implementation like

final Map<String, List<Item>> itemsByTeam =;

which may or may not be regarded as "more pleasing" to the reader.

Group list of object by an attribute and set other remaining attribute to different object list : Java 8 stream and Lambdas

The result should be List<StudentSubject> in your case you can use this way :

List<StudentSubject> resultList =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Student::getId)) // until this point group by Id
.entrySet() // for each entry
.map(s -> new StudentSubject( // create a new StudentSubject
s.getValue().get(0).getName(), // you can use just the name of first element
s.getValue().stream() // with a list of Result
.map(r -> new Result(r.getSubject(), r.getScore()))
).collect(Collectors.toList()); // then collect every thing as a List


StudentSubject{name='John', results=[Result{subjectName='Math', score=80}, Result{subjectName='Physics', score=65}]}
StudentSubject{name='Thomas', results=[Result{subjectName='Computer', score=55}, Result{subjectName='Biology', score=70}]}

How to group a list of tuples/objects by similar index/attribute in python?

defaultdict is how this is done.

While for loops are largely essential, if statements aren't.

from collections import defaultdict

groups = defaultdict(list)

for obj in old_list:

new_list = groups.values()

Group a list inside an object by multiple attributes : Java 8

I would add the following method to Result:

Result addOccurrences (List<Occurrences> occurrences) {
this.occurrences.addAll (occurrences);
return this;

And then you can use Streams:

List<Result> collect = ()
.collect (Collectors.groupingBy (Result::getId, Collectors.groupingBy (Result::getName, Collectors.toList ())))
.values ()
.stream ()
.map (Map::values)
.flatMap (Collection::stream)
.map (Collection::stream)
.map (resultStream -> resultStream.reduce ((r0, r1) -> r0.addOccurrences (r1.getOccurrences ())))
.filter (Optional::isPresent)
.map (Optional::get)
.collect (Collectors.toList ());

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