Use of "Instanceof" in Java

Use of instanceof in Java

Basically, you check if an object is an instance of a specific class.
You normally use it, when you have a reference or parameter to an object that is of a super class or interface type and need to know whether the actual object has some other type (normally more concrete).


public void doSomething(Number param) {
if( param instanceof Double) {
System.out.println("param is a Double");
else if( param instanceof Integer) {
System.out.println("param is an Integer");

if( param instanceof Comparable) {
//subclasses of Number like Double etc. implement Comparable
//other subclasses might not -> you could pass Number instances that don't implement that interface
System.out.println("param is comparable");

Note that if you have to use that operator very often it is generally a hint that your design has some flaws. So in a well designed application you should have to use that operator as little as possible (of course there are exceptions to that general rule).

Is it good practice to often use instanceof?

Let's say I am writing some inventory code:

public void showInventory(List<Item> items) {
for (Item item : items) {
if (item instanceof ContainerItem) {
// container display logic here
else if (item instanceof WeaponItem) {
// weapon display logic here
// etc etc

That will compile and work just fine. But it misses out on a key idea of object oriented design: You can define parent classes to do general useful things, and have child classes fill in specific, important details.

Alternate approach to above:

abstract class Item {
// insert methods that act exactly the same for all items here

// now define one that subclasses must fill in themselves
public abstract void show()
class ContainerItem extends Item {
@Override public void show() {
// container display logic here instead
class WeaponItem extends Item {
@Override public void show() {
// weapon display logic here instead

Now we have one place to look, the show() method, in all our child classes for inventory display logic. How do we access it? Easy!

public void showInventory(List<Item> items) {
for (Item item : items) {;

We are keeping all the item-specific logic inside specific Item subclasses. This makes your codebase easier to maintain and extend. It reduces the cognitive strain of the long for-each loop in the first code sample. And it readies show() to be reusable in places you haven't even designed yet.

How to use instanceof operator of java here?

This code is adding Integer instances followed by String instances to the same ArrayList.

Though you didn't say so, it seems the goal of func is to return an Iterator that points to the first String element following the "###" element. Therefore func should iterate over the elements of the ArrayList until it encounters a String instance, which would be the "###" String.

static Iterator func(ArrayList mylist)
Iterator it=mylist.iterator();
Object element =;
if(element instanceof String)
return it;


How instanceof will work on an interface

First of all, we can store instances of classes that implements a particular interface in an interface reference variable like this.

package com.test;

public class Test implements Testable {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Testable testable = new Test();

// OR

Test test = new Test();

if (testeable instanceof Testable)
System.out.println("instanceof succeeded");
if (test instanceof Testable)
System.out.println("instanceof succeeded");

interface Testable {


ie, any runtime instance that implements a particular interface will pass the instanceof test


and the output

instanceof succeeded
instanceof succeeded


You can create instances of interfaces by using anonymous inner classes like this

Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

public void run() {
System.out.println("inside run");

and you test the instance is of type interface, using instanceof operator like this

System.out.println(runnable instanceof Runnable);

and the result is 'true'

When is using instanceof the right decision?

Legacy code or APIs outside of your control are a legitimate use-case for instanceof. (Even then I'd rather write an OO layer over it, but timing sometimes precludes a redesign like that.)

In particular, factories based on external class hierarchies seem a common usage.

When should and shouldn't instanceof be used?

I find a need to use instanceof hints at bad design. It's a sure sign that a big, complex switch-style construct will follow. Most other times I see it used, we should use polymorphism rather than instanceof. See the Strategy pattern. (relevant examples of use)

The only time I find I need to use it is when implementing equals(Object o).

Is it possible to use the instanceof operator in a switch statement?

This is a typical scenario where subtype polymorphism helps. Do the following

interface I {
void do();

class A implements I { void do() { doA() } ... }
class B implements I { void do() { doB() } ... }
class C implements I { void do() { doC() } ... }

Then you can simply call do() on this.

If you are not free to change A, B, and C, you could apply the visitor pattern to achieve the same.

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