Java "Void" and "Non Void" Constructor

java void and non void constructor

In Java, the constructor is not a method. It only has the name of the class and a specific visibility. If it declares that returns something, then it is not a constructor, not even if it declares that returns a void. Note the difference here:

public class SomeClass {
public SomeClass() {
public void SomeClass() {
//a method, NOT a constructor

Also, if a class doesn't define a constructor, then the compiler will automatically add a default constructor for you.

Is it possible to have a constructor with void return type?

A constructor does not have a result / return type.

If you add a result / return type to a "constructor" you turn it into a method whose name is the same as the class name. Then new won't be able to use it, and any this(...) or super(...) call in the method will be a syntax error.

For your example, you won't actually get an error. That is because Java will add a default no-args constructor for A ... because you haven't actually defined any constructors. The new in your example will actually be using the default constructor ....

If you changed your code to this:

class A {
void A() { System.err.println("hello"); }

public static void main(string arg[]) {
A a = new A();

and compiled and ran it, you should see that it DOES NOT give you any output. Remove the void and you will see output.

so here A() work as a method

It >>is<< a method. But it is not "working". As my version of your example shows ... the method is not being called at all.

Difference between a method with void and a constructor

Constructors are methods that belong to a class that are associated with its creation. When you declare an object using Object a = new Object(); This is where constructors are invoked.

You should use constructors to organize any data that you'll need for the rest of the class. For example, if you are making a Time class, the Time constructor might get the current time and set it in a variable to use later.

Other methods are simply that. They are the methods that do some calculations or work for the class. For example, you might have a method that accepts a date and returns the days between the date entered, and the current date.

Java: pass a non void method with parameter as a parameter of another method

At the current form the code won't compile because you can't really access this. from the static method.

Other than that you can start off with the following (I've removed the irrelevant parts):

class Sample {
public static < T > void setFieldsMap(int fieldTag,
Function< Integer, T > messageGetter,
String fieldKey ) {


public class SampleTest {

private static String toString(Integer val) { // an example of method
System.out.println("Converting " + val);
return val.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Sample.setFieldsMap(123, SampleTest::toString, "someKey");

Another point to consider is that T is not really used, so it can be substituted with ?

class Sample {

public static void setFieldsMap(int fieldTag,
Function< Integer, ? > messageGetter,
String fieldKey ) {


Code in constructor with void not execute

It's not strange, it's its normal behaviour. Constructor does not have a return type

public Test() {

is a constructor, but

public void Test() {

is a simple method that you can call using t1.Test().

This page lists the differences between constructors and methods:

1) First difference between method vs constructor in Java is that name of constructor must be same with name of the Class but there is no such requirement for method in Java. methods can have any arbitrary name in Java.

2) Second difference between method and constructor in Java is that constructor doesn't have any return type but method has return type and return something unless its void.

3) Third difference between constructor and method in Java is that Constructors are chained and they are called in a particular order, there is no such facility for methods.

4) Unlike method, constructor, yet declared in class doesn't considered as member of Class. Constructors are not inherited by child classes but methods are inherited by child classes until they are made private. on which case they are only visible in class on which they are declared. Similarly private constructor means you can not create object of that class from outside, this is one of the technique used to implement Singleton pattern in Java.

5) Another difference between method and constructor in Java is that special keyword this and super is used to call constructor explicitly. no such thing for method, they have there own name which can be used to call them.

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