How to Embed a Browser in Java

Is there a way to embed a browser in Java?

Since JavaFX 2.0 you can use now webview

Sample Image

Embed browser in Java based desktop application

check out Eclipse, it has an embedded browser which is configurable by the user (they support multiple browsers).

you can probably embed their browser even if you use an AWT based application using the AWT_SWT bridge.

this article may help you get started.

web browser embedded into java

see this post .... Embed a web browser within a java application

Embedding web browser window in Java


embedding and interacting with a browser like view in a Java application

With Java FX 2 you can. You get a webkit webview there. Can interact with it back and forth with java<->javascript.

For an example embedding google maps see:

You can embed java fx in swing with JFXPanel if you don't want to go with 100% JavaFX yet.

Getting Chrome Browser in java Applications

There is currently no way getting the UI portion into a Java. You should consider just using barebone WebKit + V8 with many JNI calls. You could consider writing a JNA wrapper around those.

To make your JNA easier, you can wrap Chromium Embedded Framework

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