Differencebetween List and Arraylist

What is the difference between List and ArrayList?

There's no difference between list implementations in both of your examples.
There's however a difference in a way you can further use variable myList in your code.

When you define your list as:

List myList = new ArrayList();

you can only call methods and reference members that are defined in the List interface.
If you define it as:

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();

you'll be able to invoke ArrayList-specific methods and use ArrayList-specific members in addition to those whose definitions are inherited from List.

Nevertheless, when you call a method of a List interface in the first example, which was implemented in ArrayList, the method from ArrayList will be called (because the List interface doesn't implement any methods).

That's called polymorphism. You can read up on it.

What are the major differences between a Collection, an ArrayList, and a List in Java?

A Collection is an interface that defines the highest-level of shared collection behavior, and extends Iterable (which just defines the iterator() method).

A List is an interface that defines the highest-level of shared List behavior.

ArrayList is an implementation of List and in general wouldn't be used in a declaration unless you need an implementation guarantee (e.g., fast indexed access), but is fine to use as a list value.

Read the docs to see the differences–they're described in the API. The implementation (ArrayList) will have a type-specific implementation of each method in each interface it implements.

In general, use the least-specific interface that provides what you need. For example, passing Collection instead of List allows a wider selection of implementations. If you need something like indexed access (e.g., List.get(int)), a Collection wouldn't work.

As with most things, which to use depends entirely upon your needs.

What is the difference between an Array, ArrayList and a List?

They are different object types. They have different capabilities and store their data in different ways.

An Array (System.Array) is fixed in size once it is allocated. You can't add items to it or remove items from it. Also, all the elements must be the same type. As a result, it is type safe, and is also the most efficient of the three, both in terms of memory and performance. Also, System.Array supports multiple dimensions (i.e. it has a Rank property) while List and ArrayList do not (although you can create a List of Lists or an ArrayList of ArrayLists, if you want to).

An ArrayList is a flexible array which contains a list of objects. You can add and remove items from it and it automatically deals with allocating space. If you store value types in it, they are boxed and unboxed, which can be a bit inefficient. Also, it is not type-safe.

A List<> leverages generics; it is essentially a type-safe version of ArrayList. This means there is no boxing or unboxing (which improves performance) and if you attempt to add an item of the wrong type it'll generate a compile-time error.

.NET: ArrayList vs List

ArrayLists are essentially deprecated as they're untyped - you need to use casts with them - and they're slower and less space efficient for value types because they require the items to be boxed.

Generic lists were introduced with .Net 2.0 and are the way to go. Often a List is better than an array, with few downsides.

As these collections are part of the .Net Base Class Library, this advice also applies to C# and to any .Net language which supports generics - it's not specific to VB.NET.

Type List vs type ArrayList in Java

Almost always List is preferred over ArrayList because, for instance, List can be translated into a LinkedList without affecting the rest of the codebase.

If one used ArrayList instead of List, it's hard to change the ArrayList implementation into a LinkedList one because ArrayList specific methods have been used in the codebase that would also require restructuring.

You can read about the List implementations here.

You may start with an ArrayList, but soon after discover that another implementation is the more appropriate choice.

Should I use ArrayList ? or List ?

For the handling of objects collection in Java, Collection interface have been provided. This is available in java.util package.

"List" is an interface, which extends collection interface, provides some sort of extra methods than collection interface to work with collections. Where as "ArrayList" is the actual implementation of "List" interface.

The ArrayList class has only a few methods in addition to the methods available in the List interface. There is not much difference in this. The only difference is, you are creating a reference of the parent interface in the first one and a reference of the class which implements the List (i.e) the ArrayList class in the second. If u use the first, you will be able to call the methods available in the List interface and you cannot make calls to the new methods available in the ArrayList class.Where as, if you use the second one, you are free to use all the methods available in the ArrayList.


In Java Applications development, when you are supposed to pass the collection framework objects as arguments to the methods, then it is better to go with

List tempList = new ArrayList();

because, in future due to performance constraints, if you are changing the implementation to use linkedlist or some other classes which implements List interface, instead of ArrayList, you can change at only one point (i.e) only the instantiation part. Else you will be supposed to change at all the areas, where ever, you have used the specific class implementation as method arguments.

Difference between ArrayList.addAll(list) and new ArrayList (list) for content copying

Yes, I think method 2 would be a little inefficient and my point of view is:

When you do this:

List<Object> list2 = new ArrayList<Object>(list1);

ArrayList already knows the size it needs to allocate to the memory that is a count of the Object in list1.

While in method 2 it creates a list2 object with default size. At it updates itself when you perform an add operation. As it will be an extra operation.

Difference between List and Array types in Kotlin

Arrays and lists (represented by List<T> and its subtype MutableList<T>) have many differences, here are the most significant ones:

  • Array<T> is a class with known implementation: it's a sequential fixed-size memory region storing the items (and on JVM it is represented by Java array).

    List<T> and MutableList<T> are interfaces which have different implementations: ArrayList<T>, LinkedList<T> etc. Memory representation and operations logic of lists are defined in concrete implementation, e.g. indexing in a LinkedList<T> goes through the links and takes O(n) time whereas ArrayList<T> stores its items in a dynamically allocated array.

    val list1: List<Int> = LinkedList<Int>()
    val list2: List<Int> = ArrayList<Int>()
  • Array<T> is mutable (it can be changed through any reference to it), but List<T> doesn't have modifying methods (it is either read-only view of MutableList<T> or an immutable list implementation).

    val a = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
    a[0] = a[1] // OK

    val l = listOf(1, 2, 3)
    l[0] = l[1] // doesn't compile

    val m = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
    m[0] = m[1] // OK
  • Arrays have fixed size and cannot expand or shrink retaining identity (you need to copy an array to resize it). As to the lists, MutableList<T> has add and remove functions, so that it can increase and reduce its size.

    val a = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
    println(a.size) // will always be 3 for this array

    val l = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
    println(l.size) // 4
  • Array<T> is invariant on T (Array<Int> is not Array<Number>), the same for MutableList<T>, but List<T> is covariant (List<Int> is List<Number>).

    val a: Array<Number> = Array<Int>(0) { 0 } // won't compile
    val l: List<Number> = listOf(1, 2, 3) // OK
  • Arrays are optimized for primitives: there are separate IntArray, DoubleArray, CharArray etc. which are mapped to Java primitive arrays (int[], double[], char[]), not boxed ones (Array<Int> is mapped to Java's Integer[]). Lists in general do not have implementations optimized for primitives, though some libraries (outside JDK) provide primitive-optimized lists.

  • List<T> and MutableList<T> are mapped types and have special behaviour in Java interoperability (Java's List<T> is seen from Kotlin as either List<T> or MutableList<T>). Arrays are also mapped, but they have other rules of Java interoperability.

  • Certain array types are used in annotations (primitive arrays, Array<String>, and arrays with enum class entries), and there's a special array literal syntax for annotations. Lists and other collections cannot be used in annotations.

  • As to the usage, good practice is to prefer using lists over arrays everywhere except for performance critical parts of your code, the reasoning is the same to that for Java.

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