H.323, How to Make a Simple Ring Without Media. This Script Was Following Q.931 Setup But Still Not Working

H.323, How to make a simple ring without media. This script was following Q.931 setup but still not working

So, the question was only to send a ring, without an actual call.

Here is some code that does the job. It was a lot of fun to see when it started working:

import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;

* @author martijncourteaux
public class SJPhoneRinger

private static String setupOpenLogicChannel = "03|00|02|32|08|02|10|00|05|04|03|88|c0|a5|28|07|75|6e|6b|6e|6f|77|6e|6c|05|81|32|30|30|35|7e|02|11|05|20|88|06|00|08|91|4a|00|04|22|c0|00|00|00|00|0f|53|4a|20|4c|61|62|73|ae|20|53|4a|70|68|6f|6e|65|08|31|2e|36|30|2e|32|39|39|61|00|7f|00|00|01|06|b8|00|c4|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|00|c1|1d|80|04|11|00|f6|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|81|3a|0a|21|40|00|00|06|04|01|00|4e|0c|03|00|20|00|80|12|1e|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|04|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|00|2b|40|00|00|06|04|01|00|4c|10|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|33|6b|33|80|12|1e|40|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|04|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|04|2b|40|00|00|06|04|01|00|4c|10|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|35|6b|32|80|12|1e|40|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|04|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|08|1e|40|00|00|06|04|01|00|4c|20|13|80|12|1e|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|04|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|00|1e|40|00|00|06|04|01|00|4c|60|13|80|12|1e|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|04|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|00|16|00|00|0d|0e|0c|03|00|20|00|80|0b|06|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|00|20|00|00|0e|0c|10|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|33|6b|33|80|0b|06|40|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|04|20|00|00|0f|0c|10|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|35|6b|32|80|0b|06|40|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|08|13|00|00|10|0c|20|13|80|0b|06|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|00|13|00|00|11|0c|60|13|80|0b|06|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|05|00|01|00|01|00|01|00|01|00|6e|02|64|02|70|01|06|00|08|81|75|00|08|80|0d|00|00|3c|00|01|00|00|01|00|00|01|00|00|04|80|00|00|24|18|03|00|20|00|80|00|01|20|20|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|33|6b|33|80|00|02|20|20|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|35|6b|32|80|00|03|20|40|13|80|00|04|20|c0|13|00|80|06|00|04|00|00|00|01|00|02|00|03|00|04|07|01|00|32|80|d8|50|5f|02|80|01|80";
private static String alertingTSCA = "03|00|00|d8|08|02|90|00|01|28|07|75|6e|6b|6e|6f|77|6e|7e|00|c3|05|23|c0|06|00|08|91|4a|00|04|22|c0|00|00|00|00|0f|53|4a|20|4c|61|62|73|ae|20|53|4a|70|68|6f|6e|65|08|31|2e|36|30|2e|32|38|39|61|00|5e|e0|cc|44|98|ff|0d|0c|11|00|f6|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|01|00|01|00|04|c0|01|80|74|04|03|21|80|01|64|02|70|01|06|00|08|81|75|00|08|80|0d|00|00|3c|00|01|00|00|01|00|00|01|00|00|04|80|00|00|24|18|03|00|20|00|80|00|01|20|20|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|33|6b|33|80|00|02|20|20|00|00|00|00|09|69|4c|42|43|2d|31|35|6b|32|80|00|03|20|40|13|80|00|04|20|c0|13|00|80|06|00|04|00|00|00|01|00|02|00|03|00|04|06|01|00|32|40|1b|33|02|20|80";
private static String facilityTSCA = "03|00|00|62|08|02|10|00|62|1c|00|28|07|75|6e|6b|6e|6f|77|6e|7e|00|4b|05|26|90|06|00|08|91|4a|00|04|c4|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|86|01|00|13|05|80|11|00|f6|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|07|00|5e|e0|cc|44|ab|62|01|00|01|00|04|c0|01|80|08|02|03|21|80|01|02|20|a0";
private static String connectOpenLogicChannel = "03|00|00|b6|08|02|90|00|07|28|07|75|6e|6b|6e|6f|77|6e|7e|00|a1|05|22|c0|06|00|08|91|4a|00|04|00|5e|e0|cc|44|98|ff|22|c0|00|00|00|00|0f|53|4a|20|4c|61|62|73|ae|20|53|4a|70|68|6f|6e|65|08|31|2e|36|30|2e|32|38|39|61|00|c4|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|0d|1c|11|00|f6|a1|56|3c|d2|1d|b2|11|a8|ed|b7|8a|c2|c1|98|8f|41|02|21|40|00|03|06|04|01|00|4e|0c|03|00|20|00|80|12|1e|00|01|00|7f|00|00|01|c0|04|00|5e|e0|cc|44|c0|07|00|1d|00|00|0d|0e|0c|03|00|20|00|80|12|1e|00|01|00|5e|e0|cc|44|c0|06|00|5e|e0|cc|44|c0|07|00|01|00|01|00|02|80|01|80";

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 1720);
System.out.println("Connected to SJPhone!");

DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

sendBytes(dos, setupOpenLogicChannel);

/* Following three packages were not needed. It worked without them.
* Of course, because it is only a sample ring request, SJPhone will tell you
* That the call is corrupted */
// sendBytes(dos, alertingTSCA);
// sendBytes(dos, facilityTSCA);
// sendBytes(dos, connectOpenLogicChannel);

Thread.sleep(10000); // Let it ring for ten seconds.
} catch (Exception e)

public static void sendBytes(OutputStream os, String bytes) throws IOException
String byteArrayStr[] = bytes.split("\\|");
byte bytesArray[] = new byte[byteArrayStr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < byteArrayStr.length; ++i)
bytesArray[i] = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(byteArrayStr[i],16));


H.323 Request Java

I don't think a there is a publically available library that implements H.323 signaling in Java, but there are 2 libraries with a C interface that you might be able to use from Java:

OPAL is OpenSource, support H.323 and has a C wrapper.

The commercial Radvision H.323 SDK also has a C interface.

If anyone knows more options, please comment, but I think thats it (asside from storing binary copies of the ASN.1 messages and trying to patch them on the fly).

How to send such complicated hex, binary protocol data accurately using java byte[]?

  • In such diagram header block shows mostly like "Bit 7, Bit 6,..,Bit 0"
    instead of "Bit 0, Bit 1, Bit 2, ... Bit 7", i always wondering

In typical number writing 0 is the least significant bit 7 the most significant and the byte is written in most significant to least significant 7-0.

byte  11111111
place 76543210

  • But when i apply in code what is following order for byte st[0] = Bit 7 or Bit 1?

In your code this is not setting bits this is setting a byte in the byte array

If you are nervous about setting bits try a class like this:

public class SimpleByteSetter {

/* b is is byte you are setting
on is if the bit is set to on or 1
place is the bit place in the range of 0-7
public static byte set(final byte b, final boolean on, final int place) {
if (on) { return (byte) (b | ((1 << place) & 0xFF)); }
return (byte) (b & (~((1 << place) & 0xFF)));

// 1 == on everything else off (but only use 0!)
public static byte set(final byte b, final int on, final int place) {
return set(b, 1==on, place);


use it in you code like:

byte header = 0;
// get = 0, set = 1, place = 0
header = SimpleByteSetter(header, 0, 0 ); // get
// header 2 byte = 0, header 2 byte = 1, place = 1
header = SimpleByteSetter(header, 0, 1 ); // header 1 byte
st[0] = header;

  • Also according to this diagram, does it mean every command i send will have Header fixed always


  • This is the code i was trying by taking Bit 1 as st[0], Bit 2 as st1 instead of Bit 7 as st[0]. To apply Power off/on test.

I don't have enough information to actually build the packet but:

// the header is 1 byte I don't see how to make it two
// the command is 2 bytes per the table
// the parameter length is 0 so 1 byte (is there suppose to be a device id?)
byte[] st = new byte[ 1 + 2 + 1 ];

byte header = 0;
// get = 0, set = 1, place = 0
header = SimpleByteSetter(header, 0, 0 ); // get
// header 2 byte = 0, header 2 byte = 1, place = 1
header = SimpleByteSetter(header, 0, 1 ); // header 1 byte
// length 1 byte = 0, length 2 byte = 1
header = SimpleByteSetter(header, 0, 2 );
// command 1 byte = 0, command 2 byte = 1;
header = SimpleByteSetter(header, 1, 3 );

st[0] = header;
st[1] = 0x0130 & 0xFF; // poweroff command first byte
st[2] = 0x0100 & 0xFF; // poweroff second byte
st[3] = 0;

error, string or binary data would be truncated when trying to insert

From @gmmastros's answer

Whenever you see the message....

string or binary data would be truncated

Think to yourself... The field is NOT big enough to hold my data.

Check the table structure for the customers table. I think you'll find that the length of one or more fields is NOT big enough to hold the data you are trying to insert. For example, if the Phone field is a varchar(8) field, and you try to put 11 characters in to it, you will get this error.

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