Difference Between Jsonobject and Jsonarray

Difference between JSONObject and JSONArray

When you are working with JSON data in Android, you would use JSONArray to parse JSON which starts with the array brackets. Arrays in JSON are used to organize a collection of related items (Which could be JSON objects).

For example: [{"name":"item 1"},{"name": "item2} ]

On the other hand, you would use JSONObject when dealing with JSON that begins with curly braces. A JSON object is typically used to contain key/value pairs related to one item.
For example: {"name": "item1", "description":"a JSON object"}

Of course, JSON arrays and objects may be nested inside one another. One common example of this is an API which returns a JSON object containing some metadata alongside an array of the items matching your query:

{"startIndex": 0, "data": [{"name":"item 1"},{"name": "item2"} ]}

What are the differences between using JSON arrays vs JSON objects?

The difference between an array and an object is that

Objects are set up using a key and value like:

person.age = 15;

If the key value is a variable, then one could access it like:

var key = "age";

Arrays use an integer[1] index and take a value.

player[1].score += 1000;

[1] Yes, I know, in JavaScript the integer index is really turned into a string behind the scenes. Ignore that. Think of arrays taking an integer value ESPECIALLY when you think of JSON.

Compare JSON array and JSON object and find Difference

I'm not really sure what you are trying do to but if you want to get all matches of two Objects try the simple function below.

function diff(obj1, obj2) {
// Check if the Parameters are actually Objects
if (!(typeof(obj1) === "object" || typeof(obj2) === "object"))
return false

// Create arrays out of the Objects
const arr1 = Object.entries(obj1)
const arr2 = Object.entries(obj2)
// Instantiate an array with the matches
let result = []

arr1.forEach(el1 => {
arr2.forEach(el2 => {
// Check if it matches
if (el1[0] === el2[0] && el1[1] === el2[1]) {
// Add the match to the result

// Return the matches
return result

PS: If you have nested Objects this function doesn't work.

Distinguish between JSON object and JSON array in Laravel

Laravel's Illuminate\Http\Request decodes a JSON request in the json function using

json_decode($this->getContent(), true)

Using true for the second parameter $assoc makes json_decode convert all objects into associative arrays.

I made the following changes to Controller.php

$input = $request->all();

was changed to

 $input = json_decode($request->getContent());

Here is a sample request and response from modified Controller.php


"obj1": {},
"obj2": {
"hello": "world"
"arr1": [],
"arr2": ["hello world"]


"obj1": "Object",
"obj2": "Object",
"arr1": "Array",
"arr2": "Array"

Difference between '{' and '[' when formatting JSON object

Yep one {...} is used to define a single object, while the other [...] is used to define a sequence of either objects, values or lists ...

objects are defined as such {key:object or list or value , ...}
list ares nothing more than a sequence of either objects or lists or values, [objects or list or values, ... ]...

[{'value':1}, {'values':[1,2,3,3, {'a':'a', 'b':'b'}]}, 2, 3, 4]

What is the difference between optjson and getjson?

get(index) throws JSONException if the index isn't found where opt stand for optional and can be used for values that are optional in the JSONObject and there are good chances that it might not exist in some scenarios.

For ex. you have a JSONArray with 10 JSONObjects in it and 3 of your JSONObjects contains a value or index that might not exist in rest 7 JSONObject. In this scenario, instead of writing two different JSON parsers you can just simply use opt for the optional values and can use the same parser to parse all the JSONObjects in the array.

Hope it helps.

JSONArray recognized as JSONObject

Json array format is


your json element appelliLista is a json object so cannot parse to array

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