Xcode 9 Crash When Open Storyboard

xcode 9 crashes when opening storyboard created with xcode 8

The fix for me was to :

  • Cleaning build folder
  • Clean, delete derived data
  • Delete saved state
  • Reboot with reopening windows
  • Create new single view application
  • Open storyboard.

Now you should be able to open your storyboards again

Xcode Crash on opening Storyboard

The reason is a conflict between Xcode 6 and 7.
Apple reveals it in a release note for Xcode 7.

I followed the steps and the error is resolved.

"Installing the iOS 9.0 Simulator Runtime from Xcode's Download Preferences can cause Interface Builder in Xcode 6 installs on the same machine to stop functioning.
Either avoid installing the iOS 9.0 Simulator Runtime or move /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS\ 9.0.simruntime to a backup location when switching to Xcode 6 and move it back for Xcode 7. (23230951)"


XCode 9 crash on label localizer comment edition

Even with a brand new empty project, it craches when editing Comment For Localizer. It is an Xcode 9 issue.

As a workaround you can edit the .storyboard file manually by adding this kind of block (directly inside your <label> block for example):

<attributedString key="userComments">
<fragment content="Here goes your comment...">
<font key="NSFont" metaFont="smallSystem"/>
<paragraphStyle key="NSParagraphStyle" alignment="natural" lineBreakMode="wordWrapping" baseWritingDirection="natural" tighteningFactorForTruncation="0.0"/>

Xcode 9 Main.storyboard error when building app Internal error. Please file a bug at bugreport.apple.com and attach

From the Xcode 9.1 beta 2 Release Notes :

Interface Builder

A UITabBarItem configured as a system item in a storyboard or xib causes a build failure.

Workaround: Configure as a custom item in Interface Builder, then reset the tab bar item to the
desired system item in the awakeFromNib method of the view controller.

I've had the same issue as you have and this seems to be the cause since the log pointed to one of my UITabBarItems.

EDIT: I can confirm it works. Change all your system TabBarItems to custom and it will compile!
EDIT2: Are you sure you're not using 9.1 beta? Because I've never had this issue before today, when I tested Xcode 9.1 beta 2 (after previously using Xcode 9).

Xcode 9.1/9.2 beta immediately crashes on launch

I had the same problem. In fact like you I also manually deleted the Developer folder (then I took a step further and like an idiot I also emptied the trash).

There is an easier way of fixing this problem than asking someone for their copy of PrivateFrameworks folder. You can just run XcodeSystemResources.pkg in order to setup PrivateFrameworks for you.



I didn't reinstall the Xcode 9 but just ran the package
And the Xcode 9 started to work.


XcodeSystemResources.pkg is supposed to be installed on the initial
launch of Xcode.app. Can you explain why that wasn't the case? Did
you manually delete
/Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework? If you
delete that after the first launch, Xcode doesn't know to reinstall
those packages for you.

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