Auto-Implement Swift Protocol Methods in Xcode

Auto-implement Swift protocol methods in Xcode

Xcode 9

Xcode 9 now supports conforming to protocol methods via a "fix it". It will automatically fill the missing methods for you. This was announced in WWDC 2017.

Sample Image

Update: This doesn't seem to work for protocols defined by you, unfortunately.

How to auto implement protocol methods in Xcode?

Not the same as Eclipse but you can take advantage of XCode Code Snippets feature once configured ... see
to get examples on how to

How to make Xcode automatically conform to a protocol

Well if i understood your problem then here is a workaround:

try to define methods with protocol as prefix like here hello then you'll not have to remember the methods just start typing protocol name and XCODE will prompt you with all available methods see here:

Sample Image

And if you want autocomplete protocol try

How to make Xcode automatically conform to a protocol

Well if i understood your problem then here is a workaround:

try to define methods with protocol as prefix like here hello then you'll not have to remember the methods just start typing protocol name and XCODE will prompt you with all available methods see here:

Sample Image

And if you want autocomplete protocol try

Auto fix implement of missing method of protocol with Xcode?

Unfortunately Xcode is fairly behind compared to other IDE's in features for refactoring and such.

The main Xcode version: 8.x, can't do what you wish for. But some of it will be/is available in beta Xcode 9

Xcode may suggest a fix for a compiler error. You can click the errors individually to see the suggested fix(es) and select one.

Alternatively the 'Fix All In Scope' allows you to tell Xcode to select suggested fixes of the current file.

Is there any easiest way to implement all required methods of protocol in iOS?

Just go ahead and declare that your class adopts the protocol in question.

Xcode will point the error if you fail to implement any of the required methods:

Sample Image

From the list under the disclosure triangle (items with gray "!" icons), you can get a hint of the names of the missing methods. You can start to type and autocomplete will do the rest.

Update for Xcode 9:

It looks like now, you can auto-fill the methods with one click:


  • Rename a symbol in a single file or in a project across Swift, C, Objective-C, C++ files, and Interface Builder files.
  • View all the possible changes in one editor pane.
  • Convert method signatures between Swift and Objective-C formats.
  • Update properties, getters, setters, and synthesized iVars as needed.
  • Apply a fix-it everywhere with one button.
  • Automatically fill in missing cases in switch statements, and mandatory methods for protocol conformance with one click.
  • Extract method functionality for all supported languages, along with other language-specific local refactoring.

(emphasis mine)

And indeed:

Sample Image

Clicking "Fix" adds the necessary method stubs.

How to make some protocol methods only available for specific iOS version?

Yes, it is possible:

protocol FooBarDelegate: class {
func foo()

@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func bar()

Why does Xcode does not conform to protocol fix-it adds many methods

UITableViewController conforms to UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate, so you get those method stubs too.

I don't see a way to get Xcode to only generate stubs for one protocol, except by temporarily removing the other protocols and changing your base class.

If you use AppCode, then you can use AppCode's Code > Generate > Implement Methods interface to select which members you want stubs for:

appcode generate window

Swift protocol and extension, I need to call overridden method or default extension method as per requirement

Hey I got the answers that is to conform the protocol by the object call your default method rather than overriddedn, so we can call both defination as required

let honda: Vehicle = Car()
// Output
// Can Drive
// iiiich..

When we create a variable without type then this is static dispatch when a object conform a protocol only.

Xcode: Possible to auto-create stubs for methods required by Protocol interface?

Accessorizer will write the encode and decode methods for ivars passed to it (NSCoding protocol and for NSDocument archiving). It will also generate string constants either static or #define with a custom prefix; copyWithZone:; and other things if you need - all from a simple shortcut via Services or from the toolbar. Accessorizer keyed archiving

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