Keep Getting "Unbalanced Calls to Begin/End Appearance Transitions for <Viewcontroller>" Error

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for UITabBarController: 0x197870

Without seeing more of the surrounding code I can't give a definite answer, but I have two theories.

  1. You're not using UIViewController's designated initializer initWithNibName:bundle:. Try using it instead of just init.

  2. Also, self may be one of the tab bar controller's view controllers. Always present view controllers from the topmost view controller, which means in this case ask the tab bar controller to present the overlay view controller on behalf of the view controller. You can still keep any callback delegates to the real view controller, but you must have the tab bar controller present and dismiss.

Container View Controller - Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions

I had a similar issue. Generally, that warning appears when you try to present the same view controller without dismissing it first, but the transition method should handle all that for you. I ended up fixing it by using


instead of


as you are above. Of course, I had to manually add and remove the subviews as well. I'm not sure why this change worked, but my best guess is that there's something wrong with the UIViewController transition method that issues that warning. Fortunately the fix is really easy.

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for FirstViewController: 0x2a2c00

In my case, this error occurs when you click two tabs in a tableview very fast.

The result causes wrong titlename, back button disappear. Someone mentioned that when you push a view, set animated:NO. The error will disappear but still causes some strange behavior. It pushes two views, then you need to back twice to get back the tableview screen.

Method I tried in order to resolve this problem:

add BOOL cellSelected;

in viewWillAppear cellSelected = YES;

in didselectcell delegate if (cellSelected){cellSelected = NO; do action ; }

This helps prevent clicking two different cells very fast.

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for DetailViewController when pushing more than one detail view controller

"The unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions"

occurs when you try and display a new viewcontroller before the current view controller is finished displaying. You can reproduce it by navigating in viewWillAppear.

Basically you are trying to push two view controllers onto the stack at almost the same time. Suggest you maintain a queue in the tableview controller which maintains a list of the detail views which need displaying. Push one at a time on to the stack and check on exit from the current detail view whether there are any queued detail views which need displaying.

This kind of navigation is going to be confusing for the user. It may be better to consider making your detail view support multiple items.

Keep getting Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for ViewController error

I found the answer this morning in another stackoverflow question. The answer can be found here.

When I had originally setup the Push Segue, I clicked on and dragged from a button, and was also calling the performSegueWIthIdentifier method inside that button's IBAction method implementation. This was causing 2 identical push segues to be executed on the button press. I just left my method call in the IBAction, deleted the old push segue, and created a new push segue only this time I clicked on and dragged from the entire View Controller instead of it's button.

Swift Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for

This issue occurs if you trying to push new view controller while previous transaction (animation) in progress. So please check your code flow and make the appropriate changes. Check your dismiss and present view animations. You can use property setAnimation to 'YES/NO'resolve this

Set animated:NO, may be solve your problem

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