Couldn't Find Platform Family in Info.Plist Cfbundlesupportedplatforms or MACh-O Lc_Version_Min for Phantomjs

Couldn't find platform family in Info.plist CFBundleSupportedPlatforms or Mach-O LC_VERSION_MIN for modplug

I solved the problem. First I deleted the ~ / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / ModuleCache directory. Then I created the project again. And only then I was able to download the application in the Apple Store Connect.

Couldn't find platform family in Info.plist CFBundleSupportedPlatforms or Mach-O LC_VERSION_MIN for sqlite3

After spending so many hours, I solved it by deleting a file which in my www/lib folder with name sqlite, this was the part of some other library I was using and it was showing me this file even before I starting validating. Might help some one with same problem.

kivy xcode 7 issue - build and archive works, but validation fails

I'll post the solution for future users who encounter this issue. It appears that the "dist" folder in kivy-ios has 30 or more .so.o files scattered throughout it that have been leftover from building shared libraries. If you go in and simply remove these .so.o files you can successfully validate and upload your app to the app store.

You can fix this issue by running the following script in your kivy-ios folder:

def kivy_ios_clean(file_ext, dir_to_clean, collection_dir='cleanup_collection'):
- file_ext = extension of the file that you want to move out of kivy-ios (ex: .so.o)
- dir_to_clean = name of directory that needs cleaning

- collection_dir = name of directory where all of the removed files will be collected (feel free to modify this script to delete files instead, I implemented it this way so you could see everything...)
import os, shutil

# Make folder for .so.o collection:
if not os.path.exists(collection_dir):

# Parse the directory, move the files with the extension of interest to the collection folder
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_to_clean):
for i in files:
if file_ext in i:
shutil.move(root+'/'+i, collection_dir)

kivy_ios_clean('.so.o', 'dist')

Xcode Carthage export error ipatool failed with an exception: #NoMethodError: undefined method `toolsPath' for nil:NillClass , bitcode_strip failed

Delete *.dSYM "in Carthage/Build/iOS" in Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources
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