Making Multi-Language iOS App

Making multi-language ios app

These are great resources for your localization efforts:

  • Apple's own Internationalization Programming Topics
  • How to Localize an iPhone App tutorial
  • Localization Guide for iPhone

How to localize an iphone app for different languages?

First you may define in your project settings the languages you want to manage. That's not a needed work but it's great to start there.

Then for each of your XIB you want to localize, click on it, go to the property panel and add wanted languages. The unique XIB file will be then dispatched into many files, one for each language. Then just adapt each one as wanted.

It's the same way of doing for images, sounds, or any resource.

For the Strings you may have writen in your code, add a "Localizable.strings" file into your project and add into it some keys like :

"Goodbye_Code" = "Adiós"

and in your code, where you had writen @"Goodbye", replace by :

NSLocalizedString(@"Goodbye_Code", @"Some description : I'm saying goodye to the user that is leaving the app");

In the end, remember that your app may have a default language setting. If a localization is not created, the one that correspond to that default language will be used in place.

You can check those links for further information :

How can I give my App multi language support?

Sample ImageOne of the simplest tutorial from Ray can help you a lot. U can follow this link

Its really simple and easy to understand.
Hope this works for you \m/
you can refer to this screenshot in order to overcome "+" problem which has been changed in latest xcode.

A multi-language IOS app

It's actually quite easy. You basically have a text file for each language you are supporting. Apple's documentation steps you through how to do it:

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