Improper Advertising Identifier [Idfa] Usage

improper advertising identifier [IDFA] usage

You can upload any application with the same bundleID. When you've done uploading, you can reject binary and next time you change status to Ready to Upload, don't forget check [IDFA].

improper advertising identifier [IDFA] usage, but it doesn't

Well, this error happened about 15 days ago and it wasn't clear what is the reason till Apple released the Xcode update the same day and everything went smooth after that. Again, today I get the same message though I tried to upload the same builds for an app which I submitted 8 days ago.
I think we have just to wait for a few hours and see what will happen.

EDIT: Here is a link to show people complain about it at that time and how it was solved without doing anything: LINK

UPDATE: For anyone who uses PlayHaven ads, this may be helpful to avoid this error. Comment the 2 following sections:

In the file PHAdRequest.m (Lines 35-44)

/*    if (![PHAPIRequest optOutStatus] && [ASIdentifierManager class])
NSUUID *uuid = [[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier];
NSString *uuidString = [uuid UUIDString];

if (0 < [uuidString length])
theIdentifiers[@"ifa"] = uuidString;

In PHAPIRequest.m (Lines 379-383):

/*    if ([ASIdentifierManager class])
NSNumber *trackingEnabled = [NSNumber numberWithBool:[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]];
[combinedParams setValue:trackingEnabled forKey:@"tracking"];

This is a temporary workaround till PlayHaven updates their SDK.

DOES this App use the Advertising identifier (IDFA)?

It is not showing ads but it shows HTML pages.

So if you are not using IDFA, you should also select it as NO.

Improper advertising identifier [IDFA] usage (Limit Ad Tracking)

I had the same problem and was able to solve it by removing AdMob ads and leaving only iAds.
I know that this isn't a perfect solution but afterwards you should at least be able to upload your app.

Advertising Identifier (IDFA) issue when submitting the app

Facebook Audience Network SDK uses the Advertising Identifier in order to serve ads in the app. According to iTunes Connect Developer Guide and Facebook Audience Network documentation, when you click on "Submit for Review", you need to check the purposes related to the use of IDFA in your app:

This app uses the Advertising Identifier to (select all that apply)?

  • Serve advertisements within the app
  • Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement
  • Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement.

If you will be using the
Audience Network framework, you must select the first option. If you
are using our core framework to track install attribution and app
events, please select the second and third options. If you are using
both, select all three.

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? when using Firebase

If you don't include the AdSupport.framework in your project you don't need to worry about IDFA. The FirebaseAnalytics SDK willuse the advertisingIdentifier if the AdSupport.framework is linked into your app.

You can simply select No.


You can select Yes and

Serve advertisements within the app - NO

Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement - NO

Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement - YES.

Does this app use Advertising Identifier Checkboxes

Some ads are intended to get users to install or deep link to installed apps. These checkboxes indicate if the advertising identifier is used to track these kinds of behaviors.

So what those two items are asking is:

1. Are you going to use the IDFA to track users that are installing your app from ads?

2. Are you going to use the IDFA to track users that follow deep links into your app from ads?

IDFA is used this way so that the marketers can measure the effectiveness of the ads. Here's an article that talks about it in relation to a particular vendor's SDK.

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