How to Delete an App from Itunesconnect/App Store Connect

How to delete an app from iTunesConnect / App Store Connect

Here's the answer to my question I got back from Apple support.


I am following up with you about the deletion of your app, “XXX”. Recent changes have been made to the App Delete feature. In order to delete your app from iTunes Connect, you must now have one approved version before the delete button becomes available. For more information on the recent changes, please see the "Deleting an App" section of the iTunes Connect Guide (page 96-97):

You can only delete an app from the App Store if it was previously approved (meaning has one approved version).

From iTunes Connect Developer Guide - Transferring and Deleting Apps:

Apps that have not been approved yet can’t be deleted; instead, reject the app.

As of 2016, new changes have been made to iTunes Connect. Here are the screenshots of deleting an approved app from your account.

Sample Image
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Sample Image

Delete App from iTunes Connect

Refer this Apple document: Deleting an App

You can delete your app if there is at least one approved version of the app and the latest version status is one of the following:

  • Prepare for Submission
  • Invalid Binary
  • Developer Rejected
  • Rejected
  • Metadata Rejected
  • Developer Removed From Sale
  • Removed from Sale

If your application status different (other) than above list, refer this Apple document: Viewing and Changing Your App’s Status and Availability

First, change your application status according to this tutorial and then delete app from store.

Sample Image

How to Delete App from itunes connect, which is in Prepare For Submission Phase

Apple says

Apps that have not been approved yet can’t be deleted; instead, reject
the app. Apps must have at least one approved version before they can
be deleted.

One solution is to rename that application and then use the name by creating a new one. Apple accepts the name and the app will then be in review. Ref: How to delete an app which is waiting for upload?

How to delete my itunesconnect app with status Prepare for Submission?

We are in 2019 and Apple finally (!) added a possibility to delete an app in "Prepare for Submission" state which was not previously accepted in the App Store at all (for example if you added a test app only for Testflight).

Now you can simply go to "App information" section and at the bottom you will see "Remove App" option which removes the entire application.

Remove App in Prepare for submission state

Also Apple's website with help: was updated and now it confirms that you can remove apps in "Prepare for Submission" state:

To remove an app from your main view in My Apps, it must be first
removed from the App Store and any associated in-app purchases must be
removed from sale.

Additionally, you can only remove apps if all versions of that app are
in one of the following states:

  • Prepare for Submission
  • Invalid Binary
  • Developer Rejected
  • Rejected
  • Metadata Rejected
  • Developer Removed from Sale
  • Removed from Sale

Apps can’t be removed if they are part of a Game Center group, in an
app bundle, currently available on the App Store, associated with
in-app purchases available for sale, or if they're being actively
transferred to another account.

If the app is part of a Game Center group or app bundle and hasn't
been approved yet, it must be removed from the group or bundle before
it can be removed from your main view in My Apps. App bundles and
approved apps that are part of a Game Center group cannot be removed.

Itunes Connect can't delete app

No matter what your account prevelages are, you can't delete an app on Preparing for Submission status.

According to the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

Apps that have not been approved yet can’t be deleted

So, for now, you need to sitback and wait for the review result. Once you got the result(whatever accepted or rejected) you can delete your app.

Update 2018: You can now delete unused/never submitted apps from App Store Connect

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