Cocoapods Setup Stuck on Pod Setup Command on Terminal

Cocoapods setup stuck on pod setup command on terminal

It is not stuck. I thought the same until I went to the "Activity Monitor" of the system and checked the "Network" tab.

Then you will see that something is being downloaded. A process called git-remote-http is in charge of this.

Screenshot 1

Just wait! It happened the same for me :)

Good luck!

Pod install is staying on Setting up CocoaPods Master repo

You could try running in verbose mode:

pod install --verbose

That'll show you what cocoa pods are up to:

Setting up CocoaPods master repo

Cloning spec repo `master` from `` (branch `master`)
$ /usr/bin/git clone '' master
Cloning into 'master'...

(as suggested here)

For me the above step took quite a long time as the repo (Dec 2016) is now 1.1 GB

Why can't my terminal find Cocoapods commands?

I actually thought you'd get the "You don't have write permissions for the /usr/bin directory." error, but your successfully installing it. I'm not sure why it's installing it in and then reading from another.

Try installing in a different directory:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

For more see here

cocoapods not installing

Using following commands, it worked for me.

  1. sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
  2. sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
  3. cocoapods pod install

If you encounter this error on step 2:

ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError) Please specify at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)

Then try this as step 2 instead (step 3 is not needed):

gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

on mac os sierra, stuck on Setting up CocoaPods master repo


on 4th Nov 2016, the repo is 1.07 GB


To get a progression, you can clone master yourself:

pod repo remove master
git clone ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
pod setup

How to run CocoaPods on Apple Silicon (M1)

EDIT: I recently disabled Rosetta, and Cocoapods runs just fine with the addition of the ffi gem.

For anyone else struggling with this issue, I just found a way to solve it. In addition to running terminal in Rosetta:

  1. Right-click on Terminal in Finder
  2. Get Info
  3. Open with Rosetta

I installed a gem that seems to be related to the symbol not found in the error:

sudo gem install ffi

After doing this, cocoapods runs as expected.

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