iOS 8.1 Simulator Localization Broken (Nslocalizedstring)

Settings.bundle Localization Broken

As I suspected, my installation of Xcode was broken.

After reinstalling Xcode by updating to 9.3.1, adding a settings bundle results in the expecyed behaviour:

Sample Image

Not the most common scenario, I know, but I hope this answer helps someone in the same situation someday.

iOS: Localizable.strings doesn't work

I found out what the issue is:

AppDelegate's application:didFinishLoadingWithOptions: contained this snippet of code

NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[defaults setObject:@[@"en"] forKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
[defaults synchronize];

which forces NSLocalizedString() to return English values.

The project was outsourced and I had no idea that the snippet was there.

iOS localization is broken with the upgrade iOs 9 + Xcode 7

Solved, the "problem" was the key "Localization native development region" in the info.plist file. It was setted to Italy, so when the app was running in a device with the Italian language as default it was showing the Base localization version of the strings (the English version).
Changing the value to United States solved the issue.

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